From America – Exchange at the University of Saint Joseph #10
From America – Exchange at the University of Saint Joseph #10_8/5_2018
Woke up in the very early morning to get ready for New York! Beautiful sunshine and blue sky with crisp dry air comes back to us to celebrate our magnificent excursion to New York City. All of us took a long-haul bus at the union station to kick off our tour to New York City.
In New York, our first destination was the Empire State Building, which is the traditional landmark since 1931 located in Midtown, Manhattan. Yes, the Empire State Building is an authentic American cultural icon. From the observatory of 86th floor, you can see the Hudson River, the East River, the Liberty Tower and the skyscrapers, Chrysler Building, Brooklyn Bridge, Madison Square Garden, the Statue of Liberty, and Liberty Island. This magnificent view makes us feel this is New York.
We walked through this marvelous avenue to move on to Museum of Modern Art at 5th avenue in Midtown of Manhattan where many museums and libraries stretch this area. So many fine art works from post impressionism works to Andy Warhol are exhibited that it will take much time to watch all the works. We took a look at some of the famous works there and enjoyed this touchy atmosphere of New York. “Yes, this is New York, the city of artists”
And then we took a quick walk tour to our final destination of Times Square. So many people from so many countries are walking, yelling, shouting, laughing and taking pictures. Messy, busy, noisy and funky place is there. In term of “diversity”, there is no comparing New York to Tokyo. Here in New York, the languages we can hear from around are French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, Swahili, Japanese and some more African languages. Regardless of some statement of the President, such super diversity and overwhelming self-assertion are the power and the identity of the United States of America. We believe that "this makes America great again!"
ニューヨーク。最後は7th Avenueを通って、46丁目のタイムズ・スクエアへ。アメリカの大統領が何と言おうと、圧倒的な多国籍な空気と雑多なエネルギーに満ちた空間。どれだけの言語がそこで聞こえてくるのか。どれだけの国の人がそこに集っているのか。その凄まじい多様性と過剰なまでの自己主張が重なり合う空間こそが、アメリカのエネルギーであり、アメリカのアイデンティティであることを改めて確認しました。