
From Canada_Year Exchange Report on Burnaby Mountain Secondary School

From Canada__1 Year Exchange Report on Burnaby Mountain Secondary School

Now a new one-year exchange program report reached us from BC in Canada.  Otsuma Nakano has kicked off new one-year exchanges with three different secondary schools in Burnaby School District.  Sora, a 10th grader student from Otsuma Nakano to Burnaby Mountain Secondary School, gives her first impression on her school life there in Burnaby.  Here we go!!

Hi, guys!! I’m Sora, a 10th grade student of Otsuma Nakano and now I have been studying abroad in Canada as a one-year exchange student.  My school here I am in now is Burnaby Mountain Secondary School. Everyone calls it BBMS.  I arrived here on Aug 25th last month, so three weeks have passed since then.  It is much colder than Japan here in Canada. It sometimes is 8 degrees Celsius in the morning here in Burnaby.

Today, I’m going talk about my school in Canada.  My class has a lot of international students. So, I have many friends from various countries such as Germany, France, Mexico, Brazil and so on.  Also, I have 8 classes in a week, including four ELL classes, P.E, Dance, Career education, and Math.

The atmosphere about these classes here is very free.  For example, eating snack is no problems and using cell phone is almost Okay.  However, when they must concentrate on studying in the classes, every student completely works very hard to do with the things each has to do.  So, I also study very hard as they do.

What’s more, I want to tell you one thing about our school which is astonishing you all.  My P.E teacher taught English at Otsuma Nakano 20 years ago!!!!  He said, “it’s a small world.!!”  I definitely think so!!

I cannot speak English very well yet, but I would like to do my best to improve my English skills. Thank you so much reading my report.

See you again…    The following pics are about my school.

みなさん、こんにちは。 カナダに1年留学中の空(そら)です。私は、バンクーバー郊外のバーナビー・マウンテン・セカンダリー・スクール (BurnaBy Mountain Secondary school)に通っています。カナダでは、かっこで書かれている私の学校の名前の、大文字の部分をとってBBMSと略されて呼ばれています。カナダには8月25日に着いたため、ここへ来てから三週間たちました。カナダは日本と比べてとても寒く、朝の気温が8度になることもあります。

今日は、私の学校の話をしたいと思います。 私のクラスは他国から来た生徒が多いため、私はドイツ、フランス、メキシコ、ブラジルなどいろんな国の友達がいます。私は一週間に、ELL(英語が母国語ではない人の授業)が四つと、体育、ダンス、キャリア教育、数学の八つの授業があります。授業はとても自由です。お菓子を食べても、携帯を使ってもいいです。でも、みんなやらなきゃいけない時はしっかりやっているので私も出来るように頑張ります。



