From Ireland – TOBITATE! Exchange Report from Dundalk Grammar School
Now another updated report reached us to share with you from Ireland. Mizuki Komatsu, a Year 10 student, is now enrolling at Dundalk Grammar School in Dundalk, Ireland for a year exchange program. Her exchange at Dundalk has been appointed as TOBITATE! Study Abroad Initiative by MEXT, which means that she is one of representatives of Japan.
Hello everyone! I am Mizuki Komatsu, a one-year exchange student at Dundalk Grammar School in Ireland as one of the participants of the TOBITATE! Study Abroad Initiative. Now I have been studying in Ireland for about 3 months. I am feeling that in these days, time is passing so quickly because I am sure that my life in Ireland is fulfilling.
However, at first, I was suffering from some setbacks because I couldn’t understand what people around me said and I can’t speak English very well, which often discouraged me. Many times, I shed tears of frustration because I felt ashamed of myself. But now, the way of thinking has changed ever before, so I have been able to do everything positively and to spend my time actively every day. Of course, I still have plenty of things for me to improve and change, so I wouldn’t like to spend day by day carelessly.
Now, I am very sorry that my introduction of this report was a little bit longer. I would like to introduce about the school musical in this report.
My school holds a school musical event once a year. This year the musical was held from October 22 to 26, which was “All Shock Up”. I participated in some practices of this musical at the middle of the long process of making preparation, so I did not play a part but joined singing songs. When I asked a teacher about this event, I learned that the school has been putting much effort on this musical event and many people come to see the event every year. It was very impressive that this year so many from children to adults came to enjoy this musical.
It was a bit difficult for me to sing musical songs in English, because I have not had many experiences to do that so far. However, as two boys also participated in the practice for their vocal parts, I asked them about what I did not understand. They are Year 2 students, who are two-year-younger than me. However, they taught me very carefully and kindly singing together with me when I did not know how to pronounce words and actually demonstrating to me their good model examples.
Initially, my performance did not go well, but thanks to these two boys’ special support, I was able to sing songs to the end. And on the final day of the musical, I was able to make myself satisfied so much with my songs, which made me feel like keep on doing more.
This big event day for the musical was done very well. What’s more, I am planning to sing Japanese songs together with them as my TOBITATE ambassador activity. My next goal is to do that. I would like to aim to make out unity of the chorus club stronger.
Last but not least, I would like to introduce the pictures of the musical “All Shock Up” which I did my best to do.
Thank you so much for reading my report to the end.
みなさん、こんにちは。ダンドーク・グラマー・スクールに1年留学で留学中の小松美月です。私は、トビタテ!留学JAPANアカデミック・ロング第4期生として、約3ヶ月間アイルランドで勉強しています。 私にとってこの3ヶ月間はとてもあっという間でした。それはアイルランドでの生活が充実しているからです。
私の学校には一年に一回スクール・ミュージカルというイベントが行われます。今年は10月22日〜26日までで、“All Shock Up ”というものでした。私は途中から練習に参加したので、演技はせずに歌だけを歌いました。こちらの先生に聞いてみたところ、このミュージカルにはとても力を入れていて、毎年たくさんの人が来場しているそうです。今年も子供から大人までこのミュージカルを観に訪れていました。
無事にミュージカルという大きなイベントは終わりましたが、私はトビタテ!留学JAPANのアンバサダー活動として日本の歌を一緒に歌うということを計画しているので次はそれに向けて、合唱部の結束が高まることを目標にしたいと思います。最後に“All Shock Up”というミュージカルが行われた時の様子を写真でご紹介したいと思います。最後まで読んでいただき、ありがとうございました。
Mizuki Komatsu