From Canada – Poppy Day Report from Cariboo Hill Secondary
Now new report reached us to share her great experiences with you from Burnaby, Canada. Maika Akane, a 10th grader student, is now studying at Cariboo Hill Secondary School for one-year exchange program.
Hello! I’m Maika Akane, a one-year exchange student at Cariboo Hill Secondary School in Canada. Just now the term 1 was over in Canada. Time flies! Now it’s my great opportunity to share with you my experience about the Remembrance Day in Canada.
Remembrance Day is a memorial public holiday in Canada, which was November 11, when people remember the members of its armed forces who have died in some wars after World War I and recall its veterans. At 11:00 a.m. of this day, the silent prayers from one minute to two minutes are carried out around the country.
You can find in any places a slogan called “Lest we forget” on this day, and it is displayed from about the end of October to November 11 on electric signboards of every single bus. And many people attach the badge that is a red poppy to the chest during that time. The red poppy is a symbol of the Remembrance Day, and the profits by their sales of the badges are contributed to some communities and associations.
There was an assembly to celebrate the Remembrance Day in my school. All of the students and teachers attached the badge to their chests and we reaffirmed the importance of the day. Not only I drew the picture of a red poppy for this assembly, but also the students who have music class sang some songs and played some musical instruments, and the students who have dance class performed a special dance performance. Through this day, I felt Canadian’s strong feelings that “we should remember the day and convey the significant meaning of this day to the next generation for the country’s posterity”.
Surely, I think this day will become one of the most important days in Canada forever. It would be my great pleasure if you could know the Remembrance Day and think about it by yourselves by this report. Thank you so much for your reading my report and see you with my next report!
これからカナダのリメンバランス・デーについてお話させていただきます。リメンバランス・デーとは、第一次世界大戦以降の戦争で亡くなった軍人、退役軍人らを追悼する、11月11日の祝日のことです。 この日の午前11時には1分から2分の黙祷が行われます。リメンバランス・デーには”Lest we forget(忘れないために)”という合言葉があり、10月末頃から11月11日までバスの電光掲示板に表示されています。