From New Zealand – New Note about the exchange at Sacred Heart GC
Now Rika Ozaki, one of the exchange students at Sacred Hearts Girls College, will report to us about her very delicious life there in New Plymouth.
Hello everyone! I’m Rika Ozaki, and one of the exchange students studying at Sacred Heart Girls College in New Plymouth, New Zealand. Now 3 weeks have passed since I came to New Zealand. I have been spending very fulfilling days thanks to their great hospitality from my host family, friends and the weather here. Now in this report, I would like to introduce about special happy events during these 3 weeks.
First, we held a Japanese event in the park 2 weeks ago. In fact, my host mother is a Japanese. So, I joined this event with my host family. There were many bilingual people and Japanese children who are growing up in New Zealand. Also, at the party participants had to bring some dish there. There were so many Japanese food and New Zealand’s food. They tasted super, which made me feel happy. And I got 2 friends, who are local students at New Plymouth Girl’s High. At the venue of the event, there were water melons with shaved ice. I was able to feel Japanese atmosphere surrounded by these Japanese tastes.
Secondly, I want to share my experience about the Valentine’s Day at school of New Plymouth Girls’ High School. At Otsuma Nakano, we are not allowed to bring snacks to school. So, this was the first experience for me to exchange some sweets with friends at school. My school friends gave me some cookies, chocolate muffins with fancy letters. I handed them Japanese chocolate snacks. In Japan, I do not have such a habit of eating sweets at school. So, this event was impressive and fresh for me.
Thirdly, we held a birthday party for those born in February last Saturday with friends who came to New Zealand with me and friends of mine who have been staying long in New Zealand. There were many persons who I have never met before, we became friends as soon as we met with. That’s because we shared some pizzas and super joy to get into the sea together. My friend’s host mother and Teffrey sensei came along with us. So, we could enjoy this party very safely.
To wrap up my report, I would like to express my resolution that I will grow as much as possible in the remaining 2 months.
Thank you so much for reading my report!
ニュージーランドのニュープリマスにあるセイクリッドハートガールズカレッジに留学している尾崎梨華です。私がここに来てから3週間が経ちますが、ホストファミリーや友達、天候に恵まれ大変充実した毎日を送っています。 今回、この3週間の間であった特に楽しかった出来事を話そうと思います。