From NZ- Activities with local, international and disabled students
From Inglewood, New Zealand – Activities with local, international and disabled students
From Ayaka Ohno at Inglewood High School in New Zealand, another very special report came to us telling she has been learning a lot about how to live together with students from different cultures or disabled students.
Hello, everyone! I’m Ayaka Ohno, an exchange student attending Inglewood High School (IHS) in Inglewood, New Zealand. About half of this term already have passed since I came here, so I’m realizing the meaning of the wording of “Time flies”. I had a lot of activities during recent three weeks! I’ll introduce these activities that left an impression on me.
Firstly, international students in IHS went surfing. We listened carefully to surfing coach’s talk and advice because the sea sometimes becomes dangerous, so I had to learn about surfing. I couldn’t understand his advice very well, but I could recognize the words of “onshore” and “offshore”. I’ve heard these words on the radio in Japan before, so I was pleased when I got to know the meaning of these words. Also, I could stand on the surfboard during these two trials. I fully knew the level of my English skill and felt a sense of achievement for surfing!
Secondly, I played badminton with international students from HIS, students from IHS, New Plymouth Girls’ High School, and New Plymouth Boys’ High School. I couldn’t hit shuttlecock speedy like smashing, but I really enjoyed playing it because students who played badminton with me said to me “Nice try!” even when I made some mistakes. I am not good at badminton, but I was happy to meet students from different schools.
Lastly, I did a volunteer in Special Olympics. Special Olympics is like an athletic day for people who have disability. The reason why I wanted to join this event is that I had kind of party with disabled students when I was a child. It was really fun, so I remember it a little bit still now. I have thought it would be a good opportunity for me to meet with and to know about disabled students. I think we refrain disabled people from living actively and positively with able-bodied people and reduce an opportunity to meet disabled people by dividing their schools in Japan. Thanks to the fact that we all go to the same school together with the abled and disabled, I am able to be a volunteer for this opportunity and have contact with disabled students easily. I like this system very much, and I felt I could learn a lot from all people. I thanked all people who let me be a volunteer for giving this precious opportunity. !
I don’t have enough time to stay in New Zealand. I want to try to do everything as my experience to tell someone about all events in New Zealand.
Thank you for reading my report!
皆さん、こんにちは!ニュージーランドのインウッドにあるInglewood High School (IHS) に留学している大野彩夏です。この学期も約半分が過ぎました。改めて「光陰矢のごとし」という言葉を感じさせられます。この3週間でたくさんのアクティビティをしました。その中で印象に残ったアクティビティを紹介します。
次に、私はIHSの留学生と、IHSの生徒、そしてNew Plymouth Girls’ High School, New Plymouth Boys’ High Schoolの生徒とバトミントンをしました。私は羽をスマッシュのように速く打つことはできませんでしたが、とても楽しめました。なぜなら、私と一緒にバトミントンをしていた生徒が、私が失敗した時にNice try! と言ってくれたからです。私は、バトミントンは得意ではありませんが、違う学校からの生徒に会えたことは嬉しかったです。
最後に、私はSpecial Olympicsのボランティアをしました。Special Olympicsは障がいがある生徒の運動会のようなものです。私がこのイベントに参加したかった理由は私が子供の頃に障がいのある生徒に会って、パーティーのような事をしたことにあります。とても楽しかったので、今でも少し覚えています。今回のイベントは私にとって障がいのある生徒に会い、知ることができる良い機会だと思ったのです。私は、日本では、学校を分けることによって、私達自身が障がいを持った人達の能力を制限していると思います。また、障がいのある人々に会う機会を減らしているとも思います。今回、ボランティアをすることが出来たのも、障がいのある生徒に簡単に会えるのも、私達が同じ学校に通えているお陰です。私はこの制度が好きですし、今回のイベントで「人」について学べた気がします。私にボランティアをさせてくれた全ての人にとても感謝しています!