
From UK – Awareness from the Exchange Programs in the UK

Another final report on one of the Otsuma Nakano exchange programs came to us from the UK. Ayaka Sekino did a great job about her study abroad at the Archbishop’s School.

Hello, everyone! I’m Ayaka Sekino, an exchange student at The Archbishop’s School in Canterbury in the UK.  This report is my last report for this exchange program . I would like to talk about my school classes.

However, before the things about my school classes, I would like to talk about my trip at London.  Do you know the ”Harrods”?  I had no idea about what it was, but I got to know this is one of the most famous department stores in London. It has a lot of expensive goods such as beautiful tablecloths,  cosmetics and so on. In the morning, I enjoyed shopping there.

And then I went to Harry Potter studio. It is one of the most popular places to visit in London. To be honest, when I watched it at the age of about 6 years, I was so scared. So, I did not like it ever before and I have been worried if I could enjoy it.  However, actually, it was so fun and interesting, because it has a lot of interest things like clothing, offstage settings and so on. I especially enjoyed it when I saw a video shooting on a very serious scene.  The scene is that Lord Voldemort killed teacher at the magic school, which is a very scary scene. But, when they acted it, they used CG, so they were surrounded by a green cloth.  I couldn’t know how to shoot in this movie before when I only watched the video. So, I was so happy.

Then I would like to proceed with the real topic of this report, my classes at The Archbishop’s School. I had expected that I would belong to Year 10’s classes. But I am actually attending the classes for Year 11 because of this school situation. So, every class was too difficult for me.  I am taking classes with my buddy. My buddy is a student of science. So, she chose math, chemistry, physics, biology, English, religious study, history, computer science, art and design. I am a student of humanities. So, all of the subjects are so hard for me.

First of all, I would like to talk about math classes. The class style looks like that we do at Otsuma Nakano and in the class teachers use smart boards and solve the tasks. When I came here 3 weeks, they studied vector. I have never studied vector. So, it was super very hard for me and I couldn’t understand everything. But now we are studying factorization. I have studied it before. So, I can understand everything like a piece of cake task, which means I’m very interested in the math class.  When I studied factorization, I used ”Tasukigake”. But my classmate and teacher everyone don’t use it, at which I was very surprised.

Second, I would like to pick up the religious study. At Otsuma Nakano, we don’t have this class. But in England, there are many people with various religion. So, I found it important that we study about religions at school.  When I started studying religions, it already finished lessons about some religions. So, I studied about only Christianity and Islam.  In the class, we studied about the key persons of the religions, their beliefs, and so on. After we summarize about these kinds of knowledge about religions,  we have recently studied about “war justice”, and made discussions. Of course, my English ability was limited to understanding of them, but I wish I could explain my opinion about religious things in English.

The third topic is my most favourite subject… History.  I realized that when I studied history in Japan, we studied the “history” from only Japanese perspective. But in this school of the Archbishops, I can study the world history from the perspective of the UK.  I was excited about it very much. When I studied about Manchurian crisis, in Japan I studied lots of person, the names of the places involved and so on. But in the UK, I only studied just one Japanese involved with this incident, which is the Japanese Emperor.  I am being always surprised while I study history in this class.

Finally, I had been very worried about the classes in my school, because I had not been able to understand anything. But now I can understand classes. Surely, everything about my classes is quite exciting. I have only one week left to stay here. So, I’d like to enjoy my study abroad life. Thank you for reading my report.






まず、数学についてです。 授業の形式は妻中と似ていて、電子黒板を使って問題を解きます 。私がイギリスに来た最初の3週間くらいは、ベクトルとか私が習ったことのない範囲を学習していてわからなくてついていくのが必死でしたが、最近は因数分解とかやったことのある範囲でスラスラ解けて楽しいです。そして、その因数分解の問題を解いているときに、みんな日本で学んだやり方と違う方法で解いていたので凄く驚きました。日本では「たすきがけ」という方法で解く因数分解がありますが、私の学校では別の解き方で地道にやっていました。他にも日本で習ったやり方の方が、時間がかからずに解けるのになって思うことが結構あって、そのやり方をやってみせたり、逆にやってみせてもらったり、いろんなことが学べて楽しいです。




