
From New Zealand – Updating Report on Sacred Heart Girls College

From Sacred Heart Girls’ College, an updated report reached us, which shows some exciting events there in New Plymouth.

Hello everyone!!  I’m Mio Hagiwara, an exchange student studying at Sacred Heart Girls’ College in New Zealand. It has already been 8 weeks since I came to New Zealand. I’m very surprised that I have only 3 weeks left to study in New Zealand.  I have a lot of experiences every day and live a fulfilling life.  In this report, I’ll talk about Athletics sports day, which was held in March and how to spend my holidays in New Zealand.

First, I would like to talk about Athletics sports day. On March 12, Athletics sports was held at the TET stadium in Inglewood. Originally, it was going to be held on March 8, but it was postponed because of heavy rain.  Unfortunately, it was light rain on the day. So, it was cold to wear short sleeves. However, students there were full of passion and vigor. So, I could enjoy the event very much!!  At the Athletic sports, students were separated into 4 teams like the swimming sports day. Every student wore costumes which matched their team colors. Also,they put on the tutu and painted their faces with their color paint!!

We had 5 events on the day such as long jump, high jump, discus, footrace and relay race.  Among these programs, we joined long jump, high jump and discus.  In these 3 events we had competitions and no competitions. So we joined no competition games. Every event was exciting.  But the most exciting one was the relay race which came at last. Each team selected their fastest runners. So, this relay race was much worth watching. Also people watching the games were cheering very much!! The cheering competition was one of the most exciting events as well. This is a photo of cheering competition.

The fight songs have many kinds. Every student was singing their fight songs like shouting !! I was impressed by the performance of all the students’ cheering each teams with their best!!

Next, I would like to talk about how to spend my holidays in New Zealand.  My host family has my host brother and 2 host sisters. So, almost all of the weekends, we go somewhere. My host family is very active!!

I’ll introduce Paritutu Rock. Paritutu Rock is a rock of about 150m high on the North Island. This rock is overwhelmingly higher than other buildings. So, we can see this rock very far from there. There is only one way to climb up on the top.  There are the stairs up to about three quarters, but we need to climb up a rocky rock with only rope to reach the top. It was very hard. But if we climb up to the top, we can see beautiful view!!

What’s more, I went to beaches and joined a lot of events. So, I am enjoying New Zealand life.

Moreover, few days ago, my birthday party was held in my house with my host family and my friends. We played TV game and watched movie. In Japan, I can’t easily invite my friends to my house and have a birthday party like this.  So I could spend valuable time.

During these 8 weeks, I have been able to learn a lot of new things and have good experiences!! Sometimes I cannot make myself understood in English properly, which makes me feel a little depressed.  However, I know ff you have strong mind to deliver your message, you can communicate!!

I have only 3 weeks left to study in New Zealand.  I would like to spend these 3 weeks more meaningful.  I’ll do my best.

Thank you so much for reading my report!!

皆さんこんにちは!!!ニュージーランドのSacred Heart Girls’ Collegeに留学中の萩原未桜です。こちらに来てから8週間が経ちました。ニュージーランドでの留学生活が後3週間しかないという事にとても驚いています。私は毎日色々な経験をして沢山の事を学んでいますが、このレポートでは3月に行われたアスレチックスポーツと私の休日の過ごし方についてお伝えします。



次に、私の休日の過ごし方についてお話します。私のホストファミリーにはホストブラザーと2人のホストシスターがいます。なので、休日のほとんどはどこかに出かけるとてもアクティブなホストファミリーです。今回はParitutu Rockについて紹介します。Paritutu RockはNorth Islandにある高さ150m程の大きな岩で、遠くからでもよく見えるほど他の建物より圧倒的に高いです。登るための道は1つしかなく、4分の3ほどは階段がありますが、頂上まで登るには、足場の悪い岩をロープ一本で登る必要があり、とてもハードでした。しかし、頂上ではシュガーローフ諸島と、タラナキの海岸線が一望でき、素晴らしい眺めを見ることが出来ます!!頂上までの道はかなりハードですが、登る価値があります!! 他にも、ビーチに行ったり、イベントに参加したりなど、充実した週末を過ごしています。



