From Canada – Learning many from Great Nature at Rocky Mountains
It would be great to share another updated report from an exchange student at Burnaby in Canada!
Hi everyone! I’m Uruha, an exchange student at Burnaby South Secondary School in Canada. Now, 7 months have passed since I came to Canada. In this report, I talk about my school trip in Rocky mountain for four days. I hope you will enjoy reading it.
On the first day of the trip, we saw bears and owls in the zoo. They looked very cool and interesting to me because I have never seen them in Japan so much, so I was excited to have such a valuable experience. After that, we did a camp fire near the hotel which we stayed at. At the camp fire, some local people who have been living for long time in the depth of the forest told us many interesting stories, which also was a very precious experience to me.
On the second day, we went to a beautiful lake. It was so cold that the lake was almost frozen, but we could find the places melted. I slipped on the ice several times. It was very fun for us to take a photo of the scene we were jumping on the ice there. It was very exciting! At night we went to Banff, which was also very chilly place, but we spend a lot of fun time there. Also I bought an exclusive cup at Starbucks there.
On the third day, we played snow tubing. It is one of the snow activities that we ride on a tire and slide down on the snow slopes. I have never tried this kind of snow activity, so it was very fun!!
Through this trip, I learned about great nature and its land in Canada and saw many beautiful views, which were very precious and valuable experiences to me. If we have another opportunity, I want to join it! Thank you so much for reading my report.
こんにちは!私はカナダに一年間留学をしている麗羽です。 私がカナダ・バーナビィの学校で留学生活を始めてから7ヶ月が経ちました。今回のレポートは私がスプリングブレイクに行った四日間のロッキーマウンテントリップについて話したいと思います。
2日目はロッキーマウンテンの近くにある綺麗な湖に行きました。ここはとても寒く、湖はほとんど凍っていて、私は何回か転びそうになりました。私たちは池の上でジャンプをしている写真を撮りました。とっても楽しかったです! その日の夜はバンフという場所に行きました。ここも肌に刺さるような寒さでしたが、私たちは多くの時間をここで過ごしました。バンフではご当地限定のようなマグカップをスターバックスで買いました。