From Australia – Study and Classes at St. Andrew’s Catholic College
An updated report reached us from Australia. Hinako, an exchange student at St. Andrew’s Catholic College will share with you what she has been doing there.
Hello! I’m one of the exchange students studying abroad at St. Andrew’s Catholic College in Australia. I have only about a month to stay in Australia. So, I want to spend every single day in a meaningful way so that I will not regret it afterward. In this report, I’m going to write about Japanese class at St. Andrew’s and my last few weeks.
First, I am going to write about me religion class activity last Wednesday. In this class, we learn about discrimination issues through some movies and songs. We did handprint as for a part of our activities in the class. There were a lot of students there, but no one made the same design. Through this activity, I can learn that it is natural that there are people of various races and ideas in the world, so “difference” from others should not be the reason for discrimination.
Also, the picture in this photo is the one which was put in the school aisle this Thursday. It is the picture about various social issues. When I walk through this aisle, I am always reading it and each of the drawings is interesting.
Next, I am going to write about the school facility at St. Andrew’s. This is our tuck shop. The Tuck shop is something like Otsuma Nakano Agora vending machines and it sells lunch, drink and snacks. I often go to the tuck shop to buy ice cream with Honoka when I have lunch. Ice cream to eat on a hot day is exceptional.
Finally, I will write about my Japanese class. Honoka and I have Japanese classes at St. Andrews as one of our selective subjects. In this class we support a Japanese teacher and give quizzes in Japanese to the students. Now, they are learning the way to give directions and writing skills in Japanese. The students who are taking Japanese class are very good at Japanese. So, I was surprised when I first came to this class. While high school students are taking exam, I am looking forward to supporting Japanese class in the lower grades.
Thank you so much for reading my report. Australia is in the middle of dry season now, but it rains a lot!! AI know rainy season is starting soon in Japan. So, take good care of yourself! See you next report!
皆さんこんにちは!オーストラリアのセントアンドリュースカトリックカレッジに 留学中の村田日向子です。私の留学生活も残り一ヶ月を切りました。残りの一ヶ月でやりたいことが全てできるように、悔いなく留学を終えられるように一日一日を大切に過ごしていきたいと思います。さて、今回のレポートでは最近あった出来事と日本語の授業について書きたいと思います。
今回のレポートはこれで終わります。ここまで読んでくださってありがとうございました!こちらは乾季にも関わらず雨の日が多いです。日本もそろそろ梅雨に入ると思うので体調管理には気をつけてください!それでは次回のレポートでお会いしましょう !!