
From New Zealand – Bridge, Mountain and My favorite beach

From New Zealand – Another exchange student from New Plymouth Girls High, Miku, delivers her special note about her great memory about Kiwi life there.

Hello!  I’m Miku Oshita, staying at New Plymouth Girls’ High School as one of the exchange students. I’ll be back in Japan in two weeks. So, I feel so lonely now. I thought it would be a long time before I had come to New Zealand, but since I came here, it’s been really fulfilling.  Time has passed quickly, and now I don’t want to go back to Japan.  I would definitely like to visit again if I have another chance!

In this report, I’m going to introduce to you all about Te Rewa Rewa Bridge and a beautiful beach.

I went to the Te Rewa Rewa Bridge on the last weekend. Te Rewa Rewa Bridge is a white bridge, which is famous for one of Taranaki landmarks and is a popular tourist attraction, so you can often see it on postcards and guide books. This was the second time for me to visit the Te Rewa Rewa Bridge. When I had visited there first, it was cloudy, but it was clear this time, so I could see Mt. Taranaki from between the bridges and I was able to take a beautiful picture of the mountain.  Also, the nature around the Te Rewa Rewa Bridge is very beautiful, and we enjoyed giving bread to ducks in the lake.

Next, let me talk about what I’ve been doing at the beach.  The sunset was beautiful at Te Rewa Rewa Bridge, so I went to the beach. The sunset was just beginning to fall, and the sunset in the sea was very beautiful. Also, I created wooden houses on the beach using driftwoods and stones. I really enjoyed it!

I love New Zealand, so I don’t want to go back to Japan if I can, but I still have two weeks before I go back to Japan, so I want to enjoy it as much as possible so that I will not regret the rest two weeks!

Thank you for reading!

こんにちは! New Plymouth Girls’ High Schoolに留学中の大下実来です。 term留学も残り2週間となり、寂しさと名残惜しさを感じています。ニュージーランドに来るまでは「term留学」を長いと思っていましたが、着てみると本当に充実して、時間が過ぎるのが一瞬で、今は日本に帰りたくないです。機会があればまた来たいと思っています。

今回は、Te Rewa Rewa Bridgeとbeachに行った事についてお話します。私は週末にTe Rewa Rewa Bridgeに行きました。Te Rewa Rewa Bridgeはタラナキで有名な白い橋で、ポストカードやガイドブックによく載っている観光スポットです。今回でTe Rewa Rewa Bridgeに行ったのは2度目でした。1度目は曇りでしたが、今回は快晴だったので、橋の間からタラナキ山が綺麗に見え、綺麗な写真を撮ることが出来ました。また、Te Rewa Rewa Bridgeの周りは自然がとても綺麗で、湖に居る鴨にパンを挙げたりしました。

次に、beachに行ったことについてお話します。Te Rewa Rewa Bridgeに夕日が綺麗だったのでbeachに行きました。ちょうど夕日が落ちかけている時で、海に沈む夕日はとても綺麗でした。また、流木や石を使って浜辺に木の家を作って遊びました。とても楽しかったです!

