From New Zealand – Petite Cha and Leaving Party at New Plymouth GHS
Now the term 2 exchange at schools in NZ will be soon over. Saho, one of the international students at New Plymouth Girls High School reports you about her final time there.
Hello. I’m Saho Kurita, studying abroad as an international exchange student for 1 term at New Plymouth Girls High School. In this report, I’ll share with what I did last week.
I took part in Petite Cha with my friends in the hostel last week. This was a special event where we were watching a movie and drinking bobble tea. I had never drunk bobble tea here. So it was exciting to me. We could choose a cup of tea to drink out of 4 kinds of tea. I chose milk bobble tea. It was so delicious. And I enjoyed watching the Lion King. I had never watched Lion King. It was fun.
I participate in the Leaving Party last Tuesday. The other 5 students and I will leave New Zealand at the end of term 2. So many international students and kiwi people came to this party. I invited my kiwi friends. They are very kind to me. They have always been trying to understand what I was saying when I was not able to speak English well, so I like them very much. In the party, I got presents from school principal and my friends. It was kiwi doll, pen, a toy of Mt. Taranaki and a stacker. I was very glad. We ate many New Zealand food in the party. Last time, I took pictures with everyone. It was fun.
This report will be the final one for me to write. It’s now less than a week until I leave New Zealand at the same time. I’m going to miss my friends and my host family, but I want to make good memories during the rest of the time when I will be here.
Thank you for reading my report!
こんにちは。New Plymouth Girls High School にターム留学中の栗田紗歩です。今回は先週の出来事についてお話ししようと思います。
私は先週、寮で友達とPetite Chaに参加しました。これは映画を見ながらタピオカを飲むというイベントです。私はここでタピオカを飲んだことがなかったのでとても楽しみでした。4種類の中からteaを選ぶことができ、私はタピオカミルクティーを選びました。とっても美味しかったです。そしてライオンキングを観ました。私はライオンキングを観たことがなかったのでとっても面白かったです。
私は先週の火曜日leaving partyに参加しました。ほかの5人と私がターム終了後ニュージーランドを去る予定なので沢山のインターナショナル生とkiwiの人たちがパーティーに来ました。私はkiwiの友達を招待しました。彼女たちはとっても親切にしてくれて、私が上手く英語を話せない時でも理解しようとしてくれました。私は彼女らが好きです!
パーティーでは校長先生と友達からプレゼントを貰いました。kiwiのぬいぐるみ、ペン、タラナキ山のおもちゃ、ステッカーをもらいました。とても嬉しかったです! パーティーでは沢山のニュージーランドの食べ物を食べ、最後にみんなと一緒に写真を撮りました。とっても楽しかったです!