
Beyond School – From “Life is Tech” at The University of Tokyo  

Beyond School – From “Life is Tech” at The University of Tokyo

本校は、”Beyond School” を合言葉に、多様な校外プログラムへのチャレンジを奨励しています。夏休み期間中も、本校の生徒は世界中でさまざまなプログラムに参加して、成果を上げています。その中の一つ、東京大学で行われた”Life is Tech!”  に参加した本校の生徒のレポートを紹介します。

“Life is Tech! “は、全国の有名⼤学のキャンパスで開催するIT・プログラミングキャンプを行っており、最新のIT技術を学び、中学⽣・⾼校⽣の「創造する⼒」と「つくる技術」の習得を⽬指すプログラムです。

Hello, everyone! Time sure passes by quick and it’s already middle of August! Are you enjoying your summer?

From 7/28 to 7/31, I attended the 4 days camp of “Life is Tech”. Have you ever heard of the name? Maybe you can guess but the content of the camp is basically programming. But I had so much fun and spectacular days that I want to tell you about it a little.

As you know, there are lots of genre for programming. What I chose was iPhone App Course which literally teaches you how to make an app for iPhone, iPad, etc. Others chose courses like Android App Course(teaches you how to make app for Android), Unity Course(teaches you how to make a game), Animation Course(you can make animations there!) and many more! I was surprised of the variety and also of the existence of the course which teaches you how to make songs that Hatsune Miku sings.

When we arrived there, we were separated into groups by our age and the courses that we chose. My group was consisted of 5 high school students that are in 2nd or 3rd grade. There were no teachers, surprisingly. We just had textbooks and university students for each group that are like supporters and whom we called mentors. We made apps as we went through the textbooks(that are of course online) and when we have questions, we can ask them. It was my first time to actually have so-called “future-lessons” where we don’t just listen to the teachers’ lectures. It was very comfortable for me because there were no rules and we can take breaks any time we want and learn with our own speed. I hope schools can shift this way too……

We didn’t just do programming, however. In the afternoon of our 1st day, we played a game called escape room for more than 3 hours! It’s hard to describe how it was but I can assure you that it was the hardest game I ever played. There were more than 20 groups in the camp but only 2 groups got the right answer. We were so close though…… At the lunch break of the 2nd day, we made a short video about aoharu, bloom of youth. My team made a sad love story and got the first prize! Through those events, my team really got together and I don’t think we ever forget each other.

On the last day, we presented the apps that we developed in the camp to the audience. I made an app called point “gacha”. I will post the video along so that you can see!

Before I attended the camp, I was very bad at computer. I didn’t have self-confidence because of it. People told me that the era of computers will come but I couldn’t even use computers! So, I attended the camp. And I understood that the computers are made for everyone to “use”. It just isn’t something we are used to know like pencils and papers. But when you get the hang of it, it gives you so much opportunities! Just to make sure that you didn’t get me wrong, I am not planning to be a programmer or engineer in the future. Neither the university students that were in the camp. We are learning programming just like you learn how to read and write. Computers are going to be the new language for future.

Anyhow, if you are interested, why don’t you google “Life is Tech” where you can learn more than just programming but also broaden your future and potential?

この夏、みなさんもたくさんのことを経験していると思いますが、私は人生を変えるようなキャンプに参加し、色々なことを学んできました。そのキャンプとは「Life is Tech」。ご存知でしょうか?少しご紹介させてください。




