From Burnaby, Canada – Happy Halloween as a Canadian Culture
From Burnaby, Canada. Report from Eri Kimura at Byrne Creek Secondary School
Hello, everyone! I’m Eri Kimura. I’m a one-year exchange student studying in Burnaby Canada . My school is Byrne Creek Secondary School.
Today is November 3rd Sunday. 2 months has passed since I arrived at Canada. I think my English skill is improving because I can understand what my friends are talking about exactly. I couldn’t understand that when I arrived. But now I can join any conversation with fun. Then, in this report, I’m going to share my Halloween on October 31 with you.
My friends and teachers dressed up with each costume. For example, we wore costumes of ghost, Spiderman, stars of some movies and so on. “Fashion show on Halloween” was held at my school. It was a contest, so that many students and teachers appealed themselves with their costumes to the examiners. It was really fun!
What’s more, I have two host brothers and a host sister. They’re 5 years old, 3 years old, and 1 year old respectively. I walked around our neighborhood with them for “trick or treat”. I was surprised at many decorated houses for Halloween in Canada.
Additional great news! A new host student came to my host home on that day. She is from Brazil and she’ll go to a college near here. She is so kind and talkative so I’m very excited now. Thank you for reading.
たくさんの生徒、先生方がそれぞれの仮装をしていました!例えば魔女やお化け、スパイダーマン、様々な映画のスターなどなど、、、そして私の学校はファッションショーが開かれました。審査員の人に向かってそれぞれアピールをしていました。とてもとても盛り上がり、楽しかったです! 私のホストファミリーには5歳、3歳、1歳の子供がいるので近所の家を訪ねてTrick or Treatをしました!カナダの文化として、たくさんの家の豪華な飾り付けに驚きました。
From Burnaby, Canada. Report from Ruri Mochizuki at Burnaby South Secondary School
Hello! I’m Ruri Mochizuki, an international exchange student attending Burnaby South Secondary school for a year. It’s been two months since I came in Canada. In this report, I would like to share my Halloween in Canada.
My school had some special events for Halloween. I carved pumpkin, which was actually soft, so I was able to carve it easily. On Halloween day, my school was decorated with Halloween ornaments, and also most students wore costumes of Halloween. I was really surprised that even teachers wore Halloween costumes! because I had thought only students would wear costumes. There was a contest of Halloween costumes at lunch time, so I was able to see various costumes! And then, I went to trick or treat at after school. There are no customs that people go around houses we do not know in Japan, so it was great experience to me. I saw many houses decorated for Halloween and their quality was so high! Also, I could get many sweets. It was so fun!
Thank you for reading my report.
こんにちは!バーナビー・サウス・セカンダリーに1年留学している望月るりです。 今回はカナダのハロウィンについて話したいと思います。学校ではハロウィンのイベントがあり、かぼちゃのカービングをしました。意外と柔らかくて簡単に掘ることが出来ました。ハロウィンの日には学校の中はハロウィンの飾り付けがされておりほとんどの生徒はハロウィンのコスチュームなどを見つけたりしていました。
私はコスチュームを着たりするのは生徒ぐらいだと思っていたのですが先生まで着ている人がいたのでびっくりしました! ランチタイムにはコスチュームのコンテストがあり色んなコスチュームを見ることが出来ました! 放課後にはTrick or Treatをしに行きました。日本では知らない人の家をまわったりすることがないのですごく良い経験でした。たくさんの家でハロウィンの飾り付けがされていてクオリティーが高く凄かったです! たくさんのお菓子を貰うことが出来ました。とても楽しかったです!