
From Burnaby and Strathmore in Canada, November Events!

カナダ、ブリティッシュ・コロンビア、アルバータのそれぞれの留学先の学校からのレポートを紹介します。Honami さん、Yuka さん、そして、Eri さんです。

From Honami Sato at Strathmore High School

Hello, there!  I’m Honami Sato, reporting from Calgary in Canada.  I am studying at Strathmore High School.  It’s been very cold here under 10 degrees this month.  Now, I want to talk about the two things I experienced in this month.

First of all, I went to see ice hockey for the first time in my life.  It was very exciting and and fun. I was surprised at the sense of unity between the spectators and the players. My hands and feet were frozen because it was so cold at the game hall.

The second is visiting to the Christmas market. There were many stores from different countries.  I was happy that I could see a Japanese restaurant there. Also, the Christmas tree there I saw was big and very beautiful.  I don’t think Christmas is so blessed in Japan, but when I go to a supermarket or store in Canada, I feel like Christmas goods are selling well and I feel like they are selling better than in Japan.

Thank you for reading my report. Let’s meet in the next report.





From Yuka Takemura at Burnaby Mountain Secondary School

Hello, everyone, I’m Yuka Takemura, reporting from British Columbia, Canada.  I’m an exchange student to study abroad for a year to Burnaby Mountain Secondary School.  It’s been three months passed since I came here.

In November 11, we had Remembrance Day in Canada. It’s a memorial day to remember people who fought and died in wars. In many countries, most people wear a poppy on that day. The poppy is a symbol to show people remember the wars and the soldiers who fought in them.

This is a picture of assembly.

Also, there was Culture Festival in my school.  It was so fun where some traditional food from each country and some performance were going on.  Most food there was never seen before, so it was very interesting to me. In some performances, there were chorus, Indian dance, Korean dance, and Chinese instrument. That was so much fun!

At the end of November, I went to Seattle for Thanksgiving with my host family. In Canada, Thanksgiving is on October,  but in USA, Thanksgiving is on November. So, I was happy to celebrate Thanksgiving 2 times. At that day all families got together, having big dinner. In USA most of shop was closed, which made me very surprised because in Japan, I think, if it’s national holiday, most of shop is not going to be closed.  Anyhow, we went to USA by car and it took us about 3 hours to drive to America. But from my house to the border, it took us only 45 minutes.  So, I felt kind of weird because if we were going to other country, we have to take a plane in Japan.

December is my favorite month, so I’m very excited!!  Thank you for reading.


11月11日、カナダではRemembrance Dayがありました。これは戦争で亡くなった人や戦った人を思い出すための日です。いろいろな国でその日にみんなポピーという花の飾りを付けます。

また、私の学校ではculture festivalがありました。そこにはいろいろな国の伝統的な食べ物があり、またパフォーマンスもありました。パフォーマンスでは合唱やインドのダンス、韓国のダンス、中国の伝統楽器の演奏などがありました。とても楽しかったです!



From Eri Kimura at Byrne Creek Secondary School

Hello everyone!!!  I am Eri Kimura, an exchange student studying abroad at Byrne Creek Secondary School in Burnaby, Canada!!!

I would like to share my experience in last November.  November is my birthday month, so I was super happy because my friends celebrated my birthday.  On my birthday, we went to a pancake shop that I wanted to go. After the lunch, my friends gave me a cake with surprise at my friend’s house.

And then we played bowling. It was the first time for me to play bowling in Canada. It was so fun!!! I was really glad to meet all of my friends!!!  What’s more, I went to cinema to see “Frozen 2”.  I was wondering if I could understand the movie Japanese translate subtitles.  But I could!!!  I could understand what these characters were talking about.  I think my English skill has been improving.  So, I’ll study much harder from now on. Thank you for reading:)


今日は11月の様子について書きたいと思います。 11月は私の誕生日月なので、友達がお祝いしてくれました。お昼ご飯に私の食べたかったパンケーキを一緒に食べて、さらに、友達がサプライズで買ってくれていたケーキを友達のお家で食べました。そして、カナダでは初めてのボーリングにも行きました!とても優しい友達に出会う事ができて、とてもとても嬉しいです! その上、私の好きなfrozenという映画の続編がでたので友達と観に行ったのですが、内容を理解できるようになっていて、自分でも少し英語力が成長したなと思いました。これからも英語の勉強を頑張っていきたいと思います。 読んでいただきありがとうございました
