
From the UK – トビタテ!留学JAPAN アカデミックロング5期生 活動報告


Hello guys! I’m Haruka Murakami from Giggleswick in England. I am an exchange student for one year studying at a local school in the UK, and also I am one of the Tobitate Young Ambassadors designated by MEXT with scholarship.  My mission for the Tobitate exchange is to be a change maker of drama.  I have been proceeding with my drama study in the UK.

I’ll talk about another play in addition to my previous trial to play a role of a Shakespeare drama. One of my roommates is a very good at play. She has played “Lord of the Flies” in the school. The story is originally from a novel. It is well known in the UK. It’s a little bit scary story. The story is about boys and girls who happened to reach an uninhabited island. They try to survive the severe situation in the island there, but some guys become crazy beasts, which means they stop living as human being.  If you are interested this story, please read the novel and then, it would be great to give it a try to watch the film.

After I watched this play, I realized that the scariest thing in the whole world is human. Human can kill other humans when they feel they would be in emergency. The story told me about how cruel humans should be.

The actors were fantastic! They looked like real crazy beasts. They were not humans on the stage literally. They must have been crazy beasts at that time. Yes, it was true!  Especially the main characters of the play were great. I don’t know how to explain their playing. I don’t have enough vocabulary to describe how amazing their plays were.

In addition, there was huge audience in the theatre. My roommate said to me, “the playing has been getting better each day.” And she said in the end day of playing “I could do the best playing in my life. I’m so tired but I’m very happy more than tired.” When she told me it her face looked happy and cried.

The playing absolutely let audience and actors be happy and move their mind as well as make audience happy.   Now my Tobitate mission is going on and on…  It would be great if you could look forward to my next update.  Cheers!

皆さんこんにちは。イギリスに留学中のトビタテ!留学JAPAN アカデミック・ロング第5期生の村上遥香です。私のトビタテ!の活動は、演劇をイギリスで徹底的に追及すること!そして、日本の演劇状況を変えることです。






