From New Zealand – New School Exchange at Inglewood High School
Hello, I am Kurumi Nagata. I’m studying abroad for three months at Inglewood High School in Inglewood, New Zealand. I arrived at New Zealand on January 25th and since then, I have been attending this school. On this report, I would like to share what happened in the last week.
First, I went to PUKEKURA Park with my host family. There is a lot of nature and many birds. It’s so wonderful and beautiful. I like this place’s and New Zealand’s nature. We went on a picnic. We ate sandwiches and cake and many chips. It was so fun.
Second, I went to my host mother’s friend’s house, where we joined a barbecue party. This place is very large and you can see a beautiful sunset. In this picture you can see Taranaki Mountain. This mountain Is similar to Mt Fuji.
Third, I joined sports day events. I played various sports for about 2 hours. It was a very good experience for me because there was something for the first time.
I have just begun my exchange school life, so I want to try various things. I will do my best.
Thank you for reading my report.
1つめはホストファミリーと一緒にPAKEKURAPARKという公園にいきました。そこはたくさんの自然とたくさんの鳥がいます。 公園とニュージーランドの自然がとても好きです。そこでピクニックをしてサンドウィッチ、ケーキ、スナック菓子をたべました。とても楽しかったです。
3つめは学校でスポーツのイベントがありました。これは様々な競技を2時間ほどやってました。 初めてやるものもあったのでとてもいい経験でした。