From Burnaby Canada, Report from Eri K. at Byrne Creek Secondary S.
From Canada, Burnaby – Report from Eri Kimura at Byrne Creek Secondary School, 0206.2020
Hello. I am Eri Kimura. I’m an exchange student for Byrne Creek Secondary School. In this report, I’m going to introduce my experience in January.
We arrived in Canada on August 25th. It means we have already stayed here for 5 months. I can’t believe I’ll go back to Japan in 5 months later. And in January I finished my first semester. So I changed my schedule, which was complete change!! And then I started my semester 2 with new schedule. I was so nervous because I was not sure I can make some new friends in new classes. But I could make new friends in the new classes!! Now I’m so happy. Actually, I have only one ELL class in the semester 2. Sometimes, I can’t understand what teachers said, but I always make it a rule to write down those words I did not know, and when back home, I search those words. I have to study very hard, but I have been doing my best.
At the end of the semester 1, some students went back to each home country. One of my best friends is from Switzerland. On the last day when I met with, I cried so much. I hope we will meet each other again in the future.
Thank you for reading:)