このクラスは、2020年度も実施します。第1回のクラスは、4月11日(土)を予定しております。この講座の詳細については、以下の添付をご覧ください。このクラスに関心がある方、新規での申し込みを希望される方は、toiawase@otsumanakano.ac.jp までご連絡ください。
2019_Flyer_English Class for Elementary Returnees_190415
It’s our great pleasure to express our special thanks to the participants and their parents for being with us in this academic year of 2019. Due to the guideline for preventing spread of infection of COVID 19, the final class on 2/29 is going to be cancelled.
So, we have completed this class on the 2/22. Once again, millions of thanks to you, the participants and parents, for supporting this class. We hope all of the participants have had very good time and enjoyed the class lessons.
Our new class for the academic year 2020 will be expected to start on Saturday, April 11th. The time slot is the same as this year: from 10:50 to 12:40. We are more than happy to welcome current students and new comers all to this new year class. We will upload the new information about this class on our website later. If you have any inquiry or request for sign up for this class, please send your mail to the address: toiawase@otsumanakano.ac.jp