
From America, Report from Rin Y. at Bruce High School in Wisconsin,

From America, Report from Rin Yasuda, at Bruce High School in Wisconsin, 2020.03.01.

– School Spirit –

Hello everyone, I am Rin Yasuda, I am currently studying at Bruce High School in Bruce, Wisconsin, USA. In this report, I would like to write about one of the unique aspects of American schools, which is “school spirits”.

What colors do you think would express Otsuma Nakano? Are the colors included in our school uniforms and jerseys of our sports? In American high schools, there are colors that represent the school. Bruce High School’s colors are red and white. These two colors are used in many ways such as the uniforms of each sport, the floor of the gym, letter jackets, and for school spirit days. The colors are used to unite the school community.

Not only do U.S. schools have school colors, they also have school mascots. Mascots are also used to unite the students and the school, and they have the power to generate enthusiasm among students for being loyal to the school and to bring us good luck. We are the Bruce Red Raiders. A Red Raider is a tough solider. During game nights, we cheer for the players saying, “Go Red Raiders!”, and in events we call out our school mascot. The phrase is used in the school song as well.

Experiencing the high motivation of the school spirit such as having a school color and a mascot is a great way of being proud of your own school. Even though all the students exert in different ways, we are all the Bruce Red Raiders wearing red and white. If Japanese schools had school colors and a mascot, we would be more united with the school, students, and the community, which would result in more school spirit among us.

Thank you for taking your time and reading my report.

(Fall Sports) Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Cross Country, Boys Football

(Winter Sports) Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Wrestling

(Spring Sports) Girls Softball, Boys Baseball, Boys and Girls Track and Field

(Letter Jacket) A jacket typically worn by athletes to represent what team they affiliate with.

(Bruce High School Song)


Cheer for Bruce High

Let’s send a cheer out for our school

She’s the best in the land

Behind her loyal we all stand

Rah Rah Rah

Sing out her name

Come on let’s fight on for her fame.

Come let’s fight! Rah! Fight! Rah!

Win this game for the honor of Bruce High!


You! Rah!, Rah!, Rah! Bruce Red Raiders!

You! Rah!, Rah!, Rah! Bruce Red Raiders!

Yay Bruce High!



アメリカの高校はスクールカラーだけでなく、スクールマスコットというものがあります。スクールマスコットは生徒と学校をつなぎ、学校に対する尊敬や愛校心、親しみをもたらし、幸運を祈るためにあるといわれています。私の通う学校はブルースレッドレイダーズです。レッドレイダーズは赤く、強い戦士という意味があります。スポーツの試合のでは「いけ!!レッドレイダーズ!!」というように応援し、イベントの掛け声などに”We are the Raiders! We are the Raiders!” など大声で叫んだりします。学校の校歌にもこのフレーズが含まれています。

日本の学校でもスクールカラーやスクールマスコットを取り入れるたら良い効果をもたらすのではないかと思います。きっと、校内の一体感や愛校心が高まると思います。 私のレポートはいかがでしたか?読んでいただき、ありがとうございました。
