From New Zealand, Report from Mayu H. at Sacred Heart Girls College
From New Zealand, Report from Mayu H. at Sacred Heart Girls College in New Plymouth
Hi, everyone! I am Mayu, an international student in New Zealand, and now I am studying at Sacred Heart Girls’ College in New Plymouth. Already 5 weeks have passed. I still can’t believe…
Recently, I often hear many news about Coronavirus. In New Zealand, a patient of Coronavirus has been found at a hospital in Auckland. Also, my host family bought a lot of rice and food to prepare for Coronavirus. Also, many study-abroad programs have been canceled due to outbreak of Coronavirus. That’s why I think I have to do more activity in New Zealand.
I have a lot of things that I want to tell everyone, but they are too many, so today I will talk about living with my host family. In my last report, I wrote about “Youth Orchestra”. After that, I decided to join the Youth Orchestra too. And now I am practicing the percussion that I have never played, so we go to the Sacred Heart Girls’ College on every Wednesday at 18:00-19:30 to practice these musical instruments with my host family except my host father. They play the violin in Youth Orchestra.
I was surprised at that not only young people are in Youth Orchestra, and also I could find some acquaintances when I have known in another orchestra, so I could be relaxed even when it was the first time for me to join. It was so difficult to play these musical instruments as a member of this orchestra, because I played the piano before, but the musical score looked perfectly different .
First when I practiced with Youth Orchestra members, I couldn’t count the timing and I couldn’t play any musical instruments well. On that day, I felt so tired and also chagrined… After that when I have time I always practice the instrument for this orchestra, and then last Wednesday, one of Youth Orchestra member told me “Well done!!”. I was so glad! The concert by the orchestra is going to be held on March 20th ,so we have only three times when we can practice for the concert. But I will do my best!
In New Zealand, they value the time when they spend with their families. So, my host mother working at hospital always comes back home in dinner time even if she is busy. Then we eat dinner together! And also, every Tuesday’s morning, we go to church to eat breakfast. This is very important time for me too. I like to spend the time with the whole host family.
Since I came to New Zealand, I experienced so many things, and I am always thinking about what my study abroad means to me. I also want to leave very precious memory to my host family, my school’s ( both New Zealand and Japan) friends and teachers, so now I am looking for the activity that I can do in New Zealand. I really thank my host family and my family because ff I didn’t decide to participate in this study abroad, I couldn’t meet such wonderful people and experiences. I heard some stories about not good host family from my colleague international students.
When I heard these stories, I always think about my host family. Of course, this life is a little hard because in Japan I am the only child of my parents, but now I have two brothers. I am now experiencing what I cannot do in Japan. That’s why I want to stay here longer. I want to tell more, but now I’m rather busy . So that’s all for today. Thank you for reading‼️
皆さんこんにちは!私はNew Zealandに留学している万結です。今Sacred Heart Girls’ Collegeで勉強をしています。すでに5週間が経ちました。まだ信じられません…
前回私はYouth Orchestraについて書きました。その後、私もこのYouth Orchestraに参加することが決まりました。そして今私は、私が一度も演奏したことのないパーカッションを演奏しています。その為、毎週水曜日の18:00-19:30、このSacred Heart Girls’ Collegeにホストファザー以外の全員と一緒に行き、練習をします。私のホストファミリーはバイオリンを演奏しています。Youth Orchestraは若い人だけではなかったのでとても驚きましたが、別のオーケストラで知り合った方もいたのでとても安心しました。パーカッションの楽器をオーケストラの一員として演奏するのはとても難しいです。なぜなら私は以前ピアノを弾いていましたが、その楽譜は打楽器のものとは全く違うからです。初めてYouth Orchestraのメンバーと一緒に練習した時、私はカウントを数えられず、楽器をうまく演奏することができませんでした。その日はとても疲れて、また、とても悔しかったです。その後時間のあるときは、いつもこのオーケストラの練習をしていました。すると、先週の水曜日、1人のオーケストラの方から「頑張ったね」と言ってもらえたので、とても嬉しかったです!このオーケストラは3月の20日に開かれる予定です。残り3回しか練習することができませんが、私は自分のベストを尽くそうと思います。
★*☆*★Mayu ☆*★*☆