From New Zealand, Report from Aoba E. at Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls.
From New Zealand, Report from Aoba E. at Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls.
Hi, everyone! I’m Aoba Endo, an exchange student studying at Taranaki Diocesan School for Girls in Taranaki, New Zealand. About a month has passed since I came here. In this report, I will write about two topics which I experienced recently.
First, I will write about an athletic day. An athletic day is like a so-called sports day in Japan. But it was a little different from a sports day in Japan. I participated in many events, such as long jump, discus throw, and 200-meter run. It was the first time for me to throw a discus. It was so hard that I couldn’t do it at all, but I was very happy because other students gave me applause and cheered me a lot.
I remember we ran at most 100 meters per person on the athletic day event for Otsuma Nakano. However, in New Zealand, I had to run 200 meters per person. It was so tough for me. And then, I was quite surprised that no one looked tired even after finishing their race. I realized the difference in physical strength. Also, everyone was allowed to bring their own music speakers and enjoyed listening to their favorite songs. An athletic day gave me a chance to get more friendly with each other and to find several new differences between New Zealand and Japan.
Second, we had a meeting where only international students gathered. We brought fish and chips or hamburgers and enjoyed eating them near the beach. There were a lot of students from other countries, and we interacted and mingled with them. I was very glad to meet nine students from Otsuma Nakano I hadn’t seen since January.
I want to do my best to live a fulfilling life for the rest days for me to be here. Thank you for reading my report until the end.
皆さんこんにちは! タラナキ・ダイオシサン・スクールに留学中の遠藤青葉です!ここに来て約1ヶ月が経ちました。今回は2つの事についてお話ししたいと思います。
1つ目はathletic dayです。athletic dayはいわゆる運動会のようなものです。でも日本の運動会とは少し違いました。私は沢山の種目に出ました。例えば走り幅跳びや円盤投げ、200メートル走をしました。円盤投げは人生で初めてしました。すごく難しく、全然できませんでした。でも周りの子達が拍手をしてくれたり、声を掛けてくれたりしてくれて嬉しかったです!
妻中の運動会は多くても1人100メートル走ると思うのですが、ニュージーランドでは1人200メートル走るのですごくハードでした。私はみんなが走り終わった後、誰一人疲れている様子はなく驚きました。それに加えて、体力の違いも実感しました。また、全員がスピーカーを持ち込み、お気に入りの曲を演奏しました。athletic dayではみんなと距離が縮められた1日でした。この体験で、さらにさまざまな日本とニュージーランドの違いを発見できました。
2つ目は留学生だけがあつまる会があったことです。留学生が fish & chipsやハンバーガーを持ってきて、海の近くで食べました。他の国から来てる留学生もたくさん参加し、みんなで交流をしました。そして、1月に会って以来、会えてなかった妻中の10人にも久しぶりに会えてすごく嬉しかったです。