
帰国小学生英語講座からのお知らせ_Updated Announcement on Saturday English Class

帰国小学生英語講座からのお知らせ_Updated Announcement on Saturday English Class




また、この講座の詳細については、以下の添付をご覧ください。この講座に関心がある方、新規での申し込みを希望される方は、toiawase@otsumanakano.ac.jp までご連絡ください。

2020_Flyer_English Class for Elementary Returnees_200402

Updated Announcement on Saturday English Class for Elementary Returnees in 2020,

Dear Saturday English Class Parents and Students,

Thank you for supporting our Saturday English Class for elementary returnees.  In 2020, we are now planning to start this class. However, the health and safety of all of our Saturday elementary school students and parents is the first priority of Otsuma Nakano Junior and Senior High School.

We decided to postpone the class restart at school to the end of August, based on the recommendations by our guideline the virus that causes COVID-19.

However, we are now planning to hold “online class from home” for this Saturday English Retention class. Updated further information on this online class will be shared with sign-up students and parents by email from Otsuma Nakano .

If you have any inquiry or request for sign up for this class, please send your mail to the address: toiawase@otsumanakano.ac.jp

Also, please check for the latest announcements by the school as we will be providing updates accordingly.

We thank you for your kind understanding and cooperation on this matter with our open arms.

Otsuma Nakano Global Center,
