帰国小学生英語講座が再開しました! English Retention Class is Back!
今年で14年目をむかえる本校の帰国小学生英語講座ですが、残念ながら4月、5月は休校に伴い、実施することができませんでした。しかし、本日から、onlineでこの講座が再開しました。 再開を待ち望んでいた小学生の皆さんが、元気にZOOMで英語でのやり取りを楽しみました。
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この1学期間は、onlineで6月27日と7月11日にも実施する予定です。2学期からは本校で通常のクラスを予定しています。 関心のある方は、以下のメールアドレスまでお問い合わせください。
If you would like to sign up for this class, it would be great if you could send us an email to:
Please don’t forget to let us know the following information:
① Parent’s name, ② Student’s name, ③ Address, ④ Phone number, ⑤ Email address, ⑥ Elementary school you are currently enrolling at, and your grade, ⑦ Country, State, School you used to join when you were staying abroad.
【Teacher’s Message】
Welcome to Otsuma Nakano! My name is Willie Vickers and I will be teaching this elementary school English Retention class. In this class, students maintain and build the English that they learned abroad as well as prepare for English tests. We will be using an “open curriculum” in this class. We will focus on reading and writing essays, presentations, and speeches. This year this course will be held online via Zoom in the 1st semester on select dates on Saturdays. I look forward to seeing returning students and new students for this new school year. Let’s enjoy online English lessons together.
All the best,
Mr. Vickers
Otsuma Nakano Global Center,