
From “UK” and “Canada” オンライン留学レポート①

オンライン留学レポート① -  Report on Study Abroad Online #1

夏休みも後半になりました。 例年であれば、この時期、アメリカ、イギリス、フランス、カナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドなど世界各国での海外短期研修からのレポートが届く時期です。 しかし、今年は残念ながら、グローバル・ロックダウンというべき状況下で、海外でのプログラム – Global Immersion – ができません。

そんな中ですが、本校は、グローバル・ゲイトであることを止めたりはしません。 さざまなチャンスを活かして、海外を繋がり、世界へ目を向け続けます。 その一つが、このオンライン留学です。

この夏休みは、本校で、イギリス、フランス、ドイツ、カナダでのオンライン留学を実施しています。 その中で、イギリスとカナダでのオンライン留学を体験した生徒からのレポートが届きましたので、ここで紹介します。 どうぞ。

Now the “short” and “extraordinary” summer vacation is going on.  It was the time when we could share many short-term study abroad programs from America, the UK, France, Canada, Australia and New Zealand if the year were the same as usual.  Unfortunately, this year, as you know, now the world has been lockdown, so no programs abroad are available.

However, we will not give up being connected with the world.  Online study abroad programs are one of our measures to take to move forward our “global gateway” initiative education.

It’s our pleasure to share the reports from the students participating in the online programs from the UK and Canada.  Here we go!

Online Study Abroad Program from the UK – Senior 1st  Grade – M. N.

I have been enjoyed being with international students online at the school in the UK.  At first, my mother encouraged me to participate in this online short-term study abroad program. My mother first asked me, “Why don’t you apply for this lesson? “, I was a little nervous, but I decided to give it a try and apply for the lesson. I thought it was a great chance to improve my speaking skills and increase my vocabulary. I was also interested in learning about the British culture.

Until I pressed the Join button in Zoom, I was very worried, but when it started I was really enjoying the lesson. In our lesson we did group work, discussions, presentations in groups, and sometimes singing. Every day I had two and a half hours of lesson and time passed so quickly. My teacher was also very friendly and easy to ask questions. I was also able to exchange contacts with my classmates from Italy.

In the online class I was inspired by the classmates of the same age having interests in foreign languages and it made me want to continue working hard on my English.

This time, it was an online course in England, but I want to know more about the culture and history of England and other places. When the Coronavirus pandemic settles down, I want to visit England and meet my teacher. I would also like to see my classmates.

イギリスのオンライン留学に参加している高1のM.N.です。 このオンライン短期留学に参加しようと思ったきっかけは母親から勧められたからです。母親から最初「このオンライン留学に申し込んでみれば?」と言われ、少し不安でしたが、やってみることにしました。やるからには、スピーキングスキル向上や、ボキャブラリーを増やしたいと思いました。また、せっかくなのでイギリスの文化にも触れてみたいと思いました。



Online Study Abroad Program from Canada – Junior 2nd Grade – A. S.

I am interested in studying English, so I had been supposed to participated in Canada Seminar for this summer. However, because of this pandemic of COVID 19, it was cancelled, which made me sad and disappointed.  But, happily, I know that the substitute online program from Canada is available.  I am keen to feel real culture of Canada and to know people there, so I decided to join this program.

It was a great experience for me to be with Canadians and to know their real life.  I find myself to be more confident of myself and using English. I am now eager to join another program like this from now.



