
From Ireland New Exchange Start at Sutton Park School, Dublin

Now for Otsuma Nakano to make another move into the world is Ireland.  A kick-off exchange report reached us from Dublin, Ireland.  K. M. started her study abroad at Sutton Park School in the traditional European City, Dublin, in Ireland.  Here we go!

Hello everyone! I’m K. M. and now I have been studying at Sutton Park School in Ireland for a year. This is my first report.  It’s my great pleasure if you could read the following to the end.

First, I think some people are not familiar with Ireland, so I would like to briefly introduce some information about Ireland.  Ireland is a small island nation next to England, with a population of about half that of Tokyo.  It is a country of rich nature as well as a very beautiful country.  The climate is colder than in Japan, but I think it is relatively comfortable. Also, the weather in Ireland can be changing quickly, so people do not mind rain and do not stick their umbrellas very often.

Second, I would like to describe what I did in arriving in Ireland.  There is no direct flight from Japan to Ireland, so I went to Ireland via England.  It took about 19 hours to get to Ireland.  When I changed planes, the airport in England was so big that it took longer than I expected and I had an accident that I missed one plane, but I was able to arrive in Ireland safely.

Also, due to the influence of the coronavirus this year, I was isolated for quarantine at my host family’s house for the next two weeks.  During the isolation, I was learning English words and studying math.  Online English lessons began in the second week of my isolated life, and I was struggling to learn in English.

What’s more, I would like to talk about my school. My school is about 20 minutes by train far from the center of Dublin, the capital.  Although it is a small school with about 300 students, it is an international school with many international students.  At school on the first day, I did not know my timetable, so I was worried and nervous.  However, shortly after my first class was over, the children of international students from Switzerland and Saudi Arabia talked to me, and now I am having a good school life.

Finally, as a wrap up of my report, I will tell you an inspiring quick story.  When I was talking to my friends, I had one conversation that impressed me.  That is, a Switzerland friend asked me if I would call me “She” or “He”.  In addition, Irish people speak very fast, so it may be difficult to understand English in some classes, but I would like to become more familiar with the local life and make efforts.

The pictures show the inside of the school, t the scenery seen from near the house.

Thank you for reading until the end!







写真は、校内の様子と、家の近くから見える景色などです。 最後まで読んでいただきありがとうございました!
