
From Ireland Usual Life and Study Going on at Sutton Park School, Dublin

Another new report from an Otsuma Nakano exchange student studying abroad in Dublin, Ireland reached us.  A new lockdown ongoing at Dublin, but she has been doing well enjoying her school life there at Sutton Park School. We would be grateful if you could share the report on her current study and life in Ireland!

Hello everyone! I’m K.M. and I am an international exchange student studying at Sutton Park School in Ireland for a year.  It’s my great pleasure if you could read the following report to the end.

The Ireland government has declared a lockdown in Dublin for 6 weeks.  But luckily, schools here are open, so I can spend my days as usual.

In this report, I would like to introduce my experiences about Transition Years trip, which is an unusual class you cannot find in Japan and happy things about my birthday.

First, Transition Years Programs offer many opportunities to go on trips. In October, I went to Larch Hill twice, where we did some activities.

My most favorite activity was archery. It was a little bit hard for me to play because I needed the strength of my arm when drawing the bow, but I enjoyed the moment when my shot hit a target.  Also, I had fun to do some team activities.  In these activities, each person had a pipe, connected the pipes to make a road, and rolled the ball on pipe to aim for the goal.  The activity requires us to have teamwork skills, which was very important, so I think I was able to improve my teamwork skills.

In Sutton Park School, I have some classes that are not common in Japan.  I will make a quick introduction of them. The first class to introduce is “Motor Technology”. In this class, I study about the rules for cars, bicycles and pedestrians on the roads in Ireland.  I’ve learned the meaning of traffic signs in Ireland and the dangers of drunk driving.

The second class I would like to share with you is “GCSE”.  GCSE stands for General Certificate of Secondary Education and is a national examination in the UK.  There are some subjects in GCSE, and I’m studying GCSE PE in my school.  This exam must be taken at the end of the Transition Year. In this class, I’ve learned the names and functions of human bones and muscles. And in music class, I play the ukulele. I can only play a few simple chords, so I enjoy practicing with slow-paced music.

Last month I had my birthday!  In Japan, my friends gave me some messages and my family celebrated with a cake on FaceTime. In Ireland, one of my friends made a cheesecake and brought it to school. I ate it with my friends at lunch time. Also, my host mother made a chocolate cake. I ate it with my host family after dinner. It was so good. I was really happy on my birthday!

Thank you for reading until the end!


アイルランドではコロナウイルスの感染者が上昇したため、6週間のロックダウンが発令されてしまいました。しかし、今回のロックダウンでは、学校は開校しているので、いつも通りの生活を送れているように思います。 今回のレポートでは、トランジションイヤーの遠足、日本ではめずらしい授業、そして私の誕生日について紹介したいと思います。


次に、私がサットンパークスクールで学んでいる、日本ではあまりみられない教科について紹介したいと思います。1つ目は、モーターテクノロジーという授業です。この授業では、車や自転車、歩行者の交通ルールについて学びます。私は、今までアイルランドの道路標識の意味や、飲酒運転の危険性について学んできました。 次に、GCSEというカリキュラムについて紹介します。GCSEは、General Certificate of Secondary Educationの略で、イギリスの国家試験です。GCSEの中にも様々な教科があり、私の学校では、GCSE PE という教科を勉強しています。この試験はTransition Yearの終わりに受ける必要があり、受かれば中等教育の課程を修了したことになります。今、この教科では、人間の骨や筋肉の、名前や機能について学んでいます。また、音楽の授業では、ウクレレを弾いています。まだ始めたばかりなので、簡単なコードしか弾けませんが、テンポの遅い音楽に合わせて、楽しく練習しています。

最後に、先月は私の誕生日だったので、それについて少し紹介したいと思います。日本では、家族や友達がメッセージなどでお祝いしてくれました。アイルランドでは、友達がチーズケーキをつくって学校に持ってきてくれました。 ランチタイムに友達と分け合って美味しく食べました。ホストファミリーもチョコレートケーキを作ってお祝いしてくれました。とても美味しかったです。たくさんの人がお祝いしてくれて、素敵な誕生日になりました。

