WISH x ING 早稲田大学国際学生寮の皆さんとの意見交換会を行いました!
本校は、SGH(スーパーグローバル・ハイスクール)への申請準備年度の2014年から、本校と同じ中野にある早稲田大学国際学生寮(Waseda International Student House – WISH)の学生の皆さんと交流を続けております。その交流は、徐々に深まり、2018年からは早稲田の世界中からの学生の皆さんと議論を深める意見交換会を行っております。
ICE Break から始まって、「COVID-19&と学生生活」と「児童労働」という2つのトピックについて、WISHの学生の皆さんと本校の生徒が、それぞれの立場から議論していきました。英語での議論が中心です。本校の中学生、高校生、そしてWISNの大学生とそれぞれの視点での議論にお互いに学ぶことが多い意見交換会となりました。
この度の交流会では、金曜日は大変お世話になりました。有難うございました。(大妻中野の)生徒の皆様も慣れないオンライン企画であった中、準備等大変であったと存じますが、当日は大妻中野のINGの皆様に大変スムーズにご進行いただき 大変充実したプログラム内容で、WISHから参加した学生達も多くの気づきを得た90分となりました。
I participated in the WISH×ING online meeting on December 18th. The program had 3 sections, including introduction and icebreaking, discussion on the influences of COVID-19, and another on child labor. I was worried at first since I heard that not many students were signing up for this event as it was via zoom, but as the program began, over 10 WISH students from around the world joined!
Though there were many concerns on hosting this event online, there were unexpected positive outcomes of it. More overseas students from the United States, China, Thailand, etc. were able to join in than before, and we were able to view the given topics from different perspectives. The event also inspired me to be more active when I heard that some of the WISH students, under these circumstances, had participated in online activities such as debates. Overall, it was a valuable experience for all. – H2 participant student –
We had a WISH exchange meeting with Otsuma Nakano on December 18th, where we had discussed about coronavirus influence and child labor. All of us around the world have been under this stressful situation with COVID-19, so we exchanged opinions what we were doing during the self-restraint period and how we feel and think about Japanese governments policy.
Child labor is a crucial topic to discuss. However, we all were able to think about relevant measures and ideas of how to stop this negative chains. I really was glad to be able to have this opportunity, and even it was on zoom, it was an enormous experience for me as well. In the future I would like to utilize this experience and keep on challenging and exchanging with many people. – H2 participant student –
今回、わたしは初めてのWISH交流会に参加しました。 皆さんやはり早稲田大学の学生の皆さんだけあって、的確な意見や疑問をすぐに提案してくれて、頭脳の差を痛いほどに感じました! 考え方だけではなく知識量にも圧倒され、議題に対して深くディスカッションするには様々な知識が必要だということも改めて感じました。(高2)