2021年3月21日(日)のWWL・SGH×探究甲子園(文部科学省 WWLコンソーシアム構築支援事業)の「探究活動プレゼンテーション(英語)」部門のレポートを紹介します。
On Sunday, March 21, WWL・SGH × 探究甲子園 2021, All Japan WWL and SGH High School students’ presentation and discussion competition was held online. This competition is a platform for students from SGHs and WWLs all over Japan to demonstrate and share their final achievements of the inquiry research, which mainly focus on its specific SDGs solutions.
As for the group discussion part, an Otsuma Nakano representative student, made her presentation on the idea of mandatory multi-lingual education curriculum policy in secondary schools in Japan with ICT. This proposal is based on Otsuma Nakano French language education and curriculum, which emphasizes on our educational policy on multi-lingual value. In fact, Otsuma Nakano has been providing students with opportunities to learn French and intercultural studies with our partner schools in French online and on site.
一方で、本校は、英語での探究活動にも力を入れています。教科・学年横断型の探究学習プロジェクトである本校のフロンティア・プロジェクト・チームを代表して、このWWL・SGH×探究甲子園(文部科学省 WWLコンソーシアム構築支援事業)の「探究活動プレゼンテーション(英語)」に出場しました。本校がSGHアソシエイトとして取り組んできたタイのフィールドワークをもとにしたグローバル課題を解決するためのソリューションの提案です。
What’s more, Otsuma Nakano has been building some powerful inquiry study programs and projects with excellent proficiency of English. A representative student of the projects of Otsuma Nakano, made a presentation about the topic of “What students can do to aid street children in Thailand” , which based on their own research and experiences. She successfully shared our specific solutions to tackle with global issues to achieve SDGs.
We are highly proud of sharing the report and feedback from the participant student.
I joined the English Presentation section, focusing on my study of street children and the Uniform Recycle. I made my presentation about the current situation of street children and how the “Uniform Recycle” can play its role as a solution.
After introducing three categories of street children, I presented a couple of graphs indicating the results of the online survey I conducted asking students questions related to poverty. In the end, I proposed two long term solutions which will encourage the independence of street children in Thailand.
The official summary of our presentation is as follows:
After visiting Thailand’s children drop-in center as a part of our school program and seeing the “reality”, we thought of ways to help them. We began the “Uniform Recycle”, where we have graduates donate their uniforms and sell them to students. The proceeds were donated to the center, but we gradually began to think that help to endorse their independence was needed. One vital step we can take is to have more concern towards it as it requires global support. Like the insightful words of “Continuation is power”, we strongly believe that we can create a positive impact if we keep learning and continue our work.
As for our participation in this competition, at first, honestly speaking. I had some anxieties about how it will be held online, but as soon as it began, my worries flew away and the presentations were given so passionately that it felt as if we were actually at the venue. Participating in this amazing opportunity inspired me to keep on learning and further seek solutions to solve worldwide issues.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to this excellent opportunity of SGH・WWL × Tankyu-Koshien executive office members for hosting this program under such difficult circumstances. I had an unforgettable experience!