
From Burnaby & Ottawa, Canada, New Reports on Exchange Students’ Lives

Now it’s great to share the following four new reports on their international exchange students’ lives there in Burnaby and Ottawa, Canada.  We would be grateful if you could enjoy reading them!

A new report from M.M. at Burnaby South Secondary School, BO, Canada,

Hello, everyone, I’m M.H, an exchange student studying at Burnaby South secondary school in Canada. It’s warmer than last month, and the cherry blossoms have started to fall, and the leaves have started to grow. This season is the most comfortable for me. However, Covid cases are getting worse. We can’t hang out with our friends indoor, and most of restaurant closed because they have tables only inside.  However, we have a good thing that the number of people who can get vaccinated is increasing. My host father got the vaccine.  I hope the Covid calms down soon.

This month, the quarter 3 has ended. I had PE class and ELL science class. Before the quarter 3 started, I thought the PE class was the easiest of all the subjects, but it was the hardest for me, because there are two classes in one gym, so I couldn’t hear the teacher’s voice. Also, there was the voice echoing in the gym, so it was hard to understand the teacher’s explanation. I was sometimes confused, but my teacher helped me a lot, so I enjoyed the class. In ELL class, my teacher was unique, so her lesson was always lots of fun and very useful. Her class was the most useful class in my life because she taught us not only science but also a lot of useful knowledge for life. I want everyone to take her class. I gave my teachers the Japanese snacks at the end of term, they were so glad.

Also, I took a day trip with my host family. I went to the Tulips festival and lake. The Tulips festival was very fantastic because the tulips were expanding everywhere. That was so beautiful. I took a lot of pictures of tulips.  After that, we went to the lake. We had a barbeque along the lake. Then, we got the boat. We saw some geese. I had never seen the geese nearby, so I was impressed.

I can only stay in Canada for about two months, so I will do my best to enjoy the moment.   Thank you for reading my report!!

皆さんこんにちは!カナダのBurnaby south secondary schoolに留学中のM.H.です!バーナビーは先月よりもさらに暖かくなり、桜が散り始め、葉が出てきています。今の季節は私にとってとても心地よいです。しかし、コロナの状態は悪化しています。私たちは室内で友達と遊ぶことはできません。また、ほとんどのレストランは室内にテーブルがあるので閉まっています。(一部はテイクアウトをしています)良いこととしてはワクチンが接種できている人が増えていることです。私のホストファザーもこの前ワクチンを接種したそうです。コロナが一刻も早く落ち着くことを願います。


また、ホストファミリーと休日に日帰り旅行をしました。チューリップフェスティバルと湖に出かけました。チューリップフェスティバルでは、チューリップが広範囲に広がっていて、とても綺麗だったのでたくさん写真を撮りました。 のあと、湖に行って、湖おきでバーベキューをしました。そしてボートに乗って湖の上を楽しみました。その時にカナダで有名な鳥、グースを見ました。今まで近くで見たことなかったのでとても感動しました。

私はあと二か月ほどしかカナダにいられないので、全力で楽しもうと思います。 私のレポートを読んでくださりありがとうございます!

A new report from M.M. at Burnaby Mountain Secondary School, BO, Canada,

Hello, everyone!!! I’m M.M. and I’m an international exchange student studying at Burnaby Mountain Secondly School in BC, Canada.  I hope I can share all much information about life in Canada with you all.

It’s been two months since I came in Canada.  It had been warm, and I spent many days in April with just t-shirt, but nowadays it’s been cold again with much raining for a week, so I’m depressed. Today, our Q4 started. I have PE class and this quarter, but I already have muscle pains…hahaha.

By the way, I really enjoyed myself in April!!!! First, I went on a picnic with friends. This is such a good picnic, because it was really nice weather and warm. We ordered Kimchi fried rice on Uber Eats, and then we ate too much snacks, haha.  I went to an outlet with my friends to buy shoes and clothes for PE class. I was so excited, because this was my first time to go to an outlet in Canada.

There was my host sister’s birthday in April. My host mother ordered the birthday cake, but it was too sweet, so we can’t eat all of them. However, this April wasn’t full of all fun. My Japanese best friend went back to Japan. We were able to talk in English each other, and she is a very precious friend to me, so I’m sad…. I’m looking forward to meeting her again.

This is quite sudden, but I would like to talk about my meal in Canada. This photo is one day’s breakfast. My host father made French toast to me! He made the strawberry jam too. This French toast was really delicious!!!!!!

Also, this photo is one day’s dinner. I ate hot pot. We sometimes eat hot pot in our house. At that time, I always eat a lot, then I can’t eat next day breakfast. haha

I will keep on trying at !!!Thank you for reading my report until end. See you soon.






A new report from N. I. at Burnaby South Secondary School, BC, Canada,

Hello 😉  I’m N.I., an international student studying here in Burnaby, Canada since the beginning of this year. It’s getting warm outside, and I started to put sunscreen onto my skin from this month.  Now, I’m talking about what I did this month and what food we eat in Canada.

First of all, regarding what I did this month, I usually went out with my host mother because the restriction has been tightened, so we can’t go out with people who are not core bubbles. I went to Japanese community place and you know what? There were many cherry blossoms blooming there! and then I could get some Japanese snacks that I missed so much.

I also went to downtown with my host mom, which was a very nice short trip.  Three years ago, I’ve been downtown in the school project actually, and it brought me back the memories of that, and I was touched. We went to Gastown, had kebab for lunch and Korean hotdog for snack.  As you can see, there were a few people in Gastown of course due to COVID-19 🙁

Secondly, regarding what food we eat in Canada, one day I went to North Vancouver to see cars for my host family. I had sushi for my dinner in a restaurant, and the owner was Korean.  It was so good. I’d say here’s sushi is bigger than Japanese real sushi.

My host mother is a sooo good cook, so she can cook many international foods, and always serves me  wonderful food. One day she made me udon, so I put the photo as an attachment.

Even if it’s here in Canada, we can have Japanese food.

Finally, my return flight was settled, and there are only about two months left of my studying in Canada.  A few days ago, quarter 3 was over, and the quarter 4 starts the last week of this month. I’m taking math and science. Fortunately, I’m getting good at listening and writing in English and I’ll also do my best in this quarter. Stay safe and see you soon 🙂

こんにちは。カナダのバーナビー学区に今年の初めから留学しているN.I.です。外はだんだん暖かくなってきていて、日差しも強くなり、今月から日焼け止めを塗り始めました。  ここでは今月、何をしたかと、カナダではどんな食べ物を食べているのかお話していきます。

まずはじめに、何をしたかについてですが、今月は友達とよりもホストマザーと出かけることが多かったです。規制が変更されて厳しくなってしまったので、コアバブルの人以外とは遠くまで出かけてはいけないからです。日本のコミュニティに行ったのですが、そこにはどこよりも桜が咲いていたんです!道路の端から端まで桜並木みたいになっていました。 そこでずっと欲しかった日本のお菓子フエラムネを手に入れました。



最後に私の帰りの飛行機が決まり、あと私の留学生活は2か月で終わってしまいます。本当に信じられないくらい時間が過ぎるのが早いです。この前3学期が終わって、今月の最後の週に4学期が始まります。理科と数がの授業を今学期はとっています。聞き取りとライティングのスキルが自分でも伸びたように感じています。 今学期もベストを出して頑張ります。お体に気を付けてお過ごしください。

A new report from Y.U. at Glebe Collegiate Institution, Ottawa, Canada,

Hello!  I’m Y.U, and I’m an international student studying at Glebe Collegiate Institution, Ottawa, Canada since February of this year. There were many rainy days this month, and the scenery became brighter, making the environment more like spring.

First, I would like to write about my school thing.  I spent a little less than two weeks on spring break earlier this month.  After that, the classes in two new subjects will begin.  I study two subjects, science and geography / outdoors.  I am taking online lessons due to the recent lockdown.  The science teacher is teaching us in detail and politely many times.  In the outdoor class, we do yoga, exercise, and a 45-minute walk!

The next is about homestay.  This month, I went to the Canadian Museum of Nature. There are many exhibits on animals, insects, dinosaurs, stones, space and much more.  I was particularly surprised by the moose, a symbol of Canada.  It is about 2 to 3 meters long and weighs 200 to 825 kg.  It’s bigger than a car!

At home, an Italian student made us a homemade Margherita pizza!  The dough was chewy, and very delicious.  I made okonomiyaki and miso soup with my host sister and an Italian student.  I was happy that it was made well and that it made us happy!  I would like to cook Japanese food together again.

I would like to continue learning a lot in Canada.  Thank you for reading until the end!

こんにちは!私はカナダのオタワにあるグリーブスクールに今年の2月から通っている、1年留学中のY.Uです。 今月は雨の日が多くあり、景色も鮮やかになり、春らしくなりました。







