From America & Canada – Exchange Reports – Getting into Fall Season!
Now it’s great to share the following new exchange reports from America and Canada. M. C. reports to us from Oregon, America, M. S from Victoria, Canada, and S. O. reached us from BC, Canada. They are having fun and seem to be getting used to their local lives in each community! Hopefully, they are excited to welcome HALLOWEEN soon in America and Canada! Here we go!
From Oregon, America,
I am M. C. , an international exchange student, studying at Westside Christian high school in Oregon, the United States for one year since last August 27th. It’s great to share my life in America with you all.
It started getting cold here in Oregon when I arrived, and now a hoodie is a must, but it is often warm during the day.
Until the school started, I spent my time playing board games with my host family and helping them make garden. The time was great for me to spend. My favorite game is MONOPOLY, it’s like a long game of life.
This week marks the third week of school. On the first Friday, we had pizza in groups by grade. My grade went on a jet boat ride. I was surprised that all of the math class, we always have group works. Also, in the Bible class, everything is new learning experience for me, and I often find it difficult, but we have a lot of fun doing little plays.
I also decided to do cross-country running as an after-school activity. I was nervous at first, but I’m gradually getting used to cheering and chatting with people regardless of their grade. In this team, we split into several groups and run around the school neighborhood and train for about an hour after school. We have a meet every Friday or Saturday, and we go to various places to race. I’m glad that I was able to beat my personal best in my last race. After the race, we all have a “Foot Cookie” together! When we get home late, we go to Wendy’s and eat pizza. When we get home late, we go to Wendy’s or eat pizza. We often go out before class ends, which makes it a little more special.
My English is still not very good, but I want to study as hard as I can for the next 9 months and have fun. Thanks a million for reading my report!!
私はアメリカにあるWestside Christine high schoolに8月27日から1年間の留学に来ています。 オレゴン州は私が到着したときから寒くなり始め、今はパーカーが必須になってきましたが、昼間は暖かいことが多いです。
学校は今週で3週間目に入りました。日本とはまた違った雰囲気の授業や時間割に最初はとても緊張しましたが、新しい発見や考え方に出会うことができ、少しずつ慣れてきています。数学の時間は全てグループワークが含まれていて驚きました。また、聖書の授業では全てが新しい学びで、難しいと感じることが多いですが、小さな劇をやったりしてとても楽しいです。First Fridayではグループごとにピザを食べ、その後は学年ごとに分かれて出かけました。私の学年は、ジェットボートに乗りました。
また、放課後の活動として、クロスカントリーをすることにしました。最初は緊張しましたが、学年に関係なく応援したり、おしゃべりしたりすることにだんだん慣れてきました。このチームでは、いくつかのグループに分かれて、学校の近所を走ったり、放課後1時間ほどトレーニングをしたりしています。毎週金曜日か土曜日に大会があって、いろいろなところに行ってレースをしています。前回のレースでは、自己ベストを更新できたので嬉しいです。レースの後は、みんなで「Foot Cookie」を食べます。帰りが遅くなるときはチームの皆で、Wendy’sに行ったり、ピザを食べたりします。授業が終わる前に出かけることが多いので、少し特別な感じがします。
From Victoria, Canada,
Hello, I’m M.S. I am student at Claremont Secondary School in Victoria, Canada. In this report, I would like to share my recent school life and my life in Canada.
At first, I will talk about my school life. My school started on 7th September. It is a four-hour school, and each class is 90 minutes long. Among these four classes I am taking now, my most favourite class is catering. In the class, there are some classes for us to cook in the kitchen and in other classes days we learn in the classroom. In addition, foods are selling in the next morning with coffee and smoothies. In the classroom, we watched a video about food loss.
Next, I will talk about my daily life. First, I went to watch a movie with my friends. They are my friends of mine when we became friends during our school orientation. They are international students from Spain, Germany and Mexico. One of the boys and I are in the same catering class. We plan to go to the theater again. Their English is so good that I have to do my best to reply to them. Also, sometimes I could not understand who they were talking to. I strongly felt that I wanted to improve my English even more.
The next day, I met my roommate from Taiwan. She is in the same English class. I was nervous at first. But now we are so close that we talk at night in my room. We will go to a museum together soon.
September 30th is a national holiday to reflect on the history of the persecution of Canada’s indigenous peoples, who were subjected to an assimilation program until 1996. Children were forcibly housed in Residential Schools and their identities were erased. It about 15,000 children attended the school. I wore an orange t-shirt to school the day before the holiday to think deeply about this event.
Thank you for reading my report to the end.
こんにちは、M.S.です。私は現在、カナダ、ビクトリアのクレアモントセカンダリースクールに1年留学しています。 今回は学校生活のこととカナダでの生活についてレポートします。
From BC, Canada,
Hi, everyone! I’m S.O. and an international student in BC, Canada. This is my first report. It’s my pleasure if you could read the following to the end.
There are a lot of things I really want to write about, but this time I will write about my school. First of all, there are many differences between schools in Japan and Canada. For example, you can use your smartphone, and many people dye their hair. Also, in Japan, students continue to study the same subjects for a year, but in Canada, students choose the classes they want to take in the first and second semesters . Also, they study only eight subjects in total, four in each of the first and second semesters.
Along with that, I go to Alpha Secondary School, and there were many events in the first month alone. First, there was an event called Twin Day on September 22. At this event, you can dress up like your friend and one of you will be chosen by lottery to win 25$ worth of shopping vouchers. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get it, but I had a lot of fun taking pictures and stuff.
Next, I will talk about Food Truck Day. This event, as the name suggests, is a food truck coming to school. I wanted to buy lunch and a bubble tea, but it took so long just to wait in line that I gave up on buying a bubble tea. I definitely will drink a bubble tea next time lol
What I found when I came to Canada was that there were people from many different countries. I already knew that Canada is a multiethnic country, but I had no idea that there were so many people from so many people from so many different countries. Also, I wrote this report because it has been one month since I came to Canada, but I can’t believe that it has already been one month! I’m really enjoying every day and I don’t want to leave here lol
I’m going to keep working on it. Thank you for reading my report! See you next time!
皆さんこんにちは!私はカナダのバーナビーで1年間留学をスタートさせたS.O.です。 これが私の初めての留学レポートとなりますが、最後まで読んでいただけたら嬉しいです。
本当に書きたいことがたくさんあるのですが、今回は私の学校について書こうと思います。まず日本とカナダの学校は全然違います。 例えば、スマホも使うことが出来ますし、髪の毛を染めている人もたくさんいます。授業に関しても日本では1年間同じ教科を学び続けますが、カナダでは1学期と2学期で、自分で受けたい授業を選ぶことができ、科目数も1学期と2学期それぞれ4教科ずつで合計8教科しか学びません。
また私はカナダでAlpha Secondary Schoolに通っているのですが、最初の1ヶ月だけでたくさんのイベントがありました。まずTwin Dayというイベントが22日にありました。この日は友達と双子コーデをする日で、参加した人の中から抽選で1人だけ25$(約2,500円)分のお買い物券がもらえるというものです。残念ながら私はゲットできませんでしたが、思い出作りにたくさん写真を撮って楽しかったです。
次にFood Truck Dayというイベントについて紹介します。このイベントは名前の通りフードトラックが学校に来てくれるというものです。私はご飯とタピオカを買いたかったのですが、並ぶだけで時間がかかってしまいタピオカは諦めました…。次回は絶対リベンジします(笑)