
From Canada & America New Exchange Report – Upcoming Halloween!

Now it’s great to share the updated exchange reports from Nelson and Ottawa in Canada and Oregon, America!

新しい留学レポートがカナダ、ネルソン、オタワ、そしてアメリカ、オレゴンから届きました。 秋も深まり、冬の準備をするシーズンとなりました。Halloweenも間近です。アメリカ、カナダのHalloween、貴重な経験になります。

From Nelson, Canada,

Hi!! I’m M.U, and I’m an exchange student studying in  Nelson, BC Canada. This is my first report on studying abroad and I hope you well like this!  In this report I’ll talk about Nelson, my school and what I have experienced in one month.

First, everyone, have you ever seen a lake which looks just like a beach?  In here Nelson, we have a huge lake called Kootenay Lake, and it really looks like beach.  Everyone in Nelson call this lake “beach”.  It’s really a neat place and after turning to October, the trees on the mountain started to being colorful.  However, Nelson had -2 degree last week and it was terribly so cold.   In early  morning,  I see cars and grass are frozen and there is some snow up on the mountains.

Nelson has only 10 thousand people, but everyone in this town is very nice and kind.   I had my birthday here and my host family and their relatives came over to celebrate my birthday. It was really nice day for me.

Do you know what Nelson is famous for? Nelson is a town where a lot of artists live. You can see so many street arts in this town and all of them are all very awesome!! I love art so this place really fits me.

My school is called LV Rogers Secondary School. In LVR we have two classes in one day and we have 4 quarters. It’s very different from Japan, we can choose the classes that we want to take. In Canada, people love fun things. In this Kootenay Lake district, we have a monthly international students’ activity. Last week, I went to ziplining which you can see a beautiful view and this week we’re going to hot springs. I love this activity, and I could make a lot of friends from other country.

One month had passed since I came to Canada, I did so many things in this month that I couldn’t write on this report. I had a lovely time!   Thank you for reading my report!  See you on my next report!


皆さん、海のような池を見たことはありますか? ここネルソンではクートニーレイクという現地の人達は「ビーチ」と呼んでいる大きな池があります。池の近くに行けば砂浜があり、水は海の波みたいな動きをしていて、まるで本当に海に来たみたいな不思議な体験ができる場所です。 またここは大きな山に囲まれていて、10月に入った今、だんだんと木の葉に色がつき始めていて、すごく自然であふれた美しい場所です。つい先週マイナス2度になりとても肌寒く、朝は山のてっぺんに雪が積もり、車と草が凍っているくらい寒いです。




カナダに留学して一か月たちますが本当に多くのことを経験させていただきました。 書きたいことはこのレポートの10倍くらいある充実した楽しい一か月でした!また次回、私のレポートを読んでいただけると嬉しいです!

From Westside Christian High School in Oregon, America,

Hi, everyone there in Tokyo!   I am M. C.  reporting from Oregon, USA!

In October, I can feel a lot of Halloween from the exterior of my house and the pumpkin in the supermarket.  The temperature in Oregon, where I’m living now, has been around 15 degrees since the beginning of October, so I went to buy a warm coat and hat to make preparation for coming harsh winter.

There was also a big event at school called the Fall festival, which was held over the course of a week. Monday through Wednesday, students dressed up according to a theme and went to school.  On Thursday, they dressed up according to a theme and went corn maze from 7:00 to 9:30 to participate in a corn maze, and enjoyed line dancing, cupcakes, cookies, and hot chocolate. All activities were free for all, and the grade with the most students dressed up according to the theme would receive an ice cream, cupcake and so on at lunch. My grade students got a cupcake on Thursday.  Monday was pajamas, Tuesday was 80’s clothing or 80’s like clothing, Wednesday was no backpacks, and Thursday was western style. The teachers and students were wearing very high quality costumes, and I was surprised to see that they wore wigs and brought canes on Tuesdays and put textbooks in wheelbarrows and strollers on Wednesdays, which was amazing but a lot of fun. The cornfield  on Thursday night was especially fun and it was like a TV series when everyone danced and jumped to the music. On Friday, it was no school day, but there was a cross-country meet that I belonged to, and I ran 5 km.

Now,  I have been enjoying my life here in Oregon. I hope to learn more English and American culture in the remaining 8 months.


日本の皆さん、こんにちは! アメリカ、オレゴンに留学中のM. C. です。


学校ではFall festivalという大きなイベントがありました。Fall festivalは1週間にわたって開催され、月曜から水曜日はお題に沿った服装で学校に行き、木曜日はお題に沿った服装+放課後7時から9時30分までトウモロコシ畑での迷路やラインダンス、カップケーキ、クッキー、ココアなどを楽しみました。全て自由参加で、お題に沿った服装をしてきた生徒数が一番多かった学年はランチの時にアイスやカップケーキなどのお菓子がもらえます。私の学年は木曜日にカップケーキを貰うことができました。月曜日はパジャマ、火曜日は80年代の服装か80代のような服装、水曜日はリュックサック無し、木曜日はWestern styleがお題でした。先生も生徒もとてもクオリティが高く、火曜日はウィッグをつけて杖を持ってきたり、水曜日はねこ車やベビーカーに教科書を入れたりしていて、驚きましたが凄く楽しかったです。木曜日の夜のトウモロコシ畑は特に楽しく、音楽に乗って皆で踊ったりジャンプしたりしたのは海外ドラマのようでした。金曜日は学校は休みだったのですが、私の所属しているクロスカントリーの大会があり、5kmを走りました。


From Ottawa, Canada,

Hi, everyone  there!   I’m R. K. studying abroad in Ottawa, the capital city of Canada!!    About three weeks have passed since I came to Ottawa, and about two weeks have passed since I started my school life.   I have been getting used to the life here in Ottawa and having enjoyed myself there.

Especially, on weekends, I’ve experienced various things such as watching movies with my host family, and also I have fun going for a drive and helping of tacking care for the garden as well as going shopping with friends and roommates.  While driving, I listened to music on the radio, and I enjoyed the conversation, where we were talking about the cars around us, “ it was an old car and the scenery here would be like this in winter” like that!   We had fun at the conversation very much

Anyhow, my life in Ottawa has just begun and I would like to enjoy myself and learn much here in Canada!

こんにちは!カナダの首都、オタワに留学中のR. K. です!  オタワに来て約 3 週間、学校生活は約 2 週間が過ぎました。来て 3.4 日は生活に慣れず不安なことばかりでしたが、今は徐々に生活になれてきて楽しく生活しています!!

特に週末はホストファミリーと映画を見たり、ドライブに行ったり、お庭のお手入れをお手伝いしたり、お友達やルームメイトと買い物に行ったりと色々な事を体験しています。 特に印象に残っているのは、ホストファザーとドライブした際にハロウィンストアに行ったときです。




