
From Canada & America Study Abroad Report on Happy Halloween!

Now new study abroad reports reached us from Canada and America.   They had fun with Happy Halloween!!

From Burnaby, BC, Canada,   New Report for  2021

Hi, everyone! I’m H.O, currently studying abroad for one year at Burnaby in Canada. This is my first report.  I hope you can enjoy reading this report!

In this report,  I would like to talk about my school life and friends of mine. My school had started new semester from September 7th.  I was very nervous on the first day of school, but the teachers are so kind.  Thanks to their kindness,  I made friends, so it is very fun going to school.

My school has a lot of students, and the school building is really huge, so sometimes I get lost.  What’s more, the classes are very different from those of Japanese schools. There are four classes in a day, and each class has 70 minutes.  I am  surprised that every student is actively involved in the class, and they have no fear to make mistakes in classes.

Also, my school has various clubs, and I’m joining the leadership club.  It is almost Halloween, so we had  thought about  Halloween decoration, and we decorated school’s cafeteria.  Everyone was so kind about us and  we had fun decorating!

Canada is a multi-national country with many people of different nationalities, so I’m very happy to make friends of many different nationalities. The other day, I had Korean food with my Korean friend. It was so delicious!

I would like to do my best and have fun for 9 months from now on!  Thank you very much for reading my report to the end.

みなさんこんにちは!私はカナダのバーナビーに1年留学中の大妻中野高校1年のH.Oです。 これが私の最初の留学レポートです。最後まで読んでいただけると嬉しいです!

今回は私の学校生活や友達について紹介したいと思います。 私の学校は9月7日から新学期が始まりました。初日はとても緊張しましたが先生も親切で、今では友達もできてとっても楽しいです。私の学校は生徒数が多く、校舎が本当に広いので時々道に迷いそうになります。(笑)そして、授業は日本の学校と大きく異なります。授業は全部で4コマあり、1コマ70分くらいです。 授業ではみんなが積極的に発言し、間違いを恐れない姿勢に驚きました。

また、私の学校には様々なクラブがあって私はleadership clubというクラブにはいりました。最近はハロウィンが近いのでみんなでアイディアを出し合ってカフェテリアのデコレーションをしたりしました。みんな優しくてとても楽しく作業することができました!


これから9か月間、頑張っていきたいと思います! 最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございました。

From Oregon, USA  Report for October  2021

Hi, I am E. U. studying at Oregon USA as an international exchange student.  It has been exactly one month since school started this week, and this is my fourth report.

At the beginning of October, we had one of our big events, Homecoming. At the beginning of October, we had one of the big events, Homecoming, and every day there was a different dress code. One of the girls invited me to join her for the twins’ day, and we wore twin outfits together. During the football home game, this year’s homecoming court was announced by the seniors. The homecoming court is voted on by the students of the entire school. When the announcement was made, there was a big parade of loudly decorated convertible cars carrying the homecoming court around the school grounds. It made me feel like I was at Disney.

Two days later, we had the Homecoming Dance. We gathered at home at noon to get ready for the dance, and after getting our hair done and dresses on, we went out for Mexican food. It was the last homecoming for the seniors, but we were definitely late, and my back hurt from dancing in heels for three hours, but it was really fun. What surprised me was that everyone knew the songs that were played and could sing them. I didn’t know many of the songs, but I got over it with the atmosphere. Then the season of the volleyball club, where I was the team manager, ended and we had Senior Night. Senior Night is a ceremony where all the seniors’ names are called out, their parents’ letters are read, and balloons and gifts are given to them before the last game of the season. It was a moving experience to see all the family members and loved ones gather for this Senior Night to honor the achievements of the team members. Since I was the manager, I was also given a gift from my family. We also played a game called “Secret Sister,” in which we received a gift from one of the members during a game, and at the end of the season, it was announced who had given it to us. My secret sister was also revealed. This was a good experience for me since there was no such event in Japan.

I was in charge of the “student surveys” page in the Album class, which I mentioned in last month’s report. It was a page where I came up with questions and asked the students to answer them. There were days when the teacher was free and we had a pizza party instead of a full year of class. Other than school life, I started to participate in the youth group every Sunday. Basically, it was a bible study where we listened to a story about why we think there is a God. I told them that the only English Bible I had was the new testament, and now another pastor gave me an English version of the Bible.

Finally, I would like to share my experience about pumpkin.  My family and I went to pumpkin patch. The pumpkin patch usually involves digging up actual buried pumpkins, and I was scared before I went because I was told not to wear brightly colored clothes because they would get muddy and my feet would get messy, but to my surprise, all I had to do was take a clean, washed pumpkin out of the box. It wasn’t even a millimeter dirty. After that, I took the pumpkin home and carved it. It was a great memory.



先月のレポートで記載した卒業アルバムの授業ではstudent surveys というページを担当しました。質問を考えて、生徒に答えてもらうページです。先生が自由で授業を一歳せず、ピザパーティーをやった日もありました。学校生活の他では毎週日曜日のユースグループに参加するようになりました。基本的にはバイブルスタディーでなぜ神がいると思うのかなどについての話を聞きます。私は英語の聖書はnew testament しか持っていないことを伝えたら、今度は別の牧師さんから英語版の聖書をいただきました。

家族とはパンプキンパッチに行きました。通常パンプキンパッチは、実際に埋まっているかぼちゃを掘り出すそうで行く前からドロドロになるから明るい色の服は着ないで、足元ぐちゃぐちゃになるよと言われてびびっていたのですがなんと綺麗に洗われたかぼちゃを箱から取り出すだけでした。一ミリも汚れていません。 その後かぼちゃを持ち帰り、カービングしました。  最高の思い出になりました。

From Victoria, Canada,

Hello, I’m M.S.  I am an exchange student at Claremont Secondary School in Victoria, Canada.   In this article,  I would like to report about my life and Halloween.

At first, I will talk about my recent daily life.  In Victoria, we always use public buses to go anywhere. There are priority seats on buses, and everyone are willing to help those who need priority seats.  There are many types of buses, and I often make mistakes taking wrong buses, so I always buy a $5 one-day pass.  I’m an indoor person, so before my Taiwanese roommate had come to me,  I used to stay home and watch movies on weekends. However, since she came, she has been taking me to various places every week. I don’t get nervous talking to her, so I talk to her a lot every day.

There are two shopping districts in Victoria, Uptown and Downtown.  It takes us an hour to reach both.   The uptown has H&M and Forever 21.  I think they are also famous in Japan.  On the other hand, there are many stores for tourists in the downtown area. There is also Chinatown in downtown.  I always find Pocky in Chinese stores.

Next, I will talk about Halloween.  Since there was no school on the 31st (Sunday), October, I dressed up and went to school on the 29th. I heard that there was a costume contest at school.  Also, there were a lot of kids in Uptown on the 31st. A lot of stores were giving a candy. I was surprised to see that most of the houses had parents and children in costumes.

Lastly, I will talk about what surprised me when I came to Canada.  I originally chose Canada as the place for me to study abroad because it is a multi-ethnic country. There are many “half” and “quarter” mixed students in my classroom.  What surprised me was bandages. You can purchase many kinds of color bandages at supermarkets. I was very surprised at that because I have never seen such things in Japan.  I think that the respect for people of different races is one of the reasons why Canada is a multi-racial country.

Thank you for reading my report to the end!






