
From America and Canada – Study Abroad Reports – Enjoy Winter!

Now the latest reports on the study abroad programs from America and Canada reached us.  Here we go!

アメリカ・オレゴン 1年留学生 E. U. さんから-  From E. U. in Oregon, America.

Hi, I am E.U., studying in Oregon, America!   Finally, the year has come and gone, and it is now 2022. On New Year’s Eve, my family friends came over and we celebrated the new year together. I knew that the beginning of the year is not that important in America, but we really didn’t do anything. We just had a countdown and Mother banged on a pot and that was it. lol

On January 1st, we went to an antique store with Brother and Sister. Brother loves old things and has records and CRT televisions, and I told him that I wanted to get a glass from the 1800’s that was beautiful in rainbow, and he took me there, but to my surprise, it was closed. I was quite sad because the store’s website said it was open for business.

I’ve been playing basketball since November, and I’m already nearing the end of the season. I don’t get to play in many games, but there was one day when our team won by 20 points. I was so happy that the coach let me play 3/4 of the game. He also told the team that he wanted the members to pass me the ball around a lot, so I was able to shoot a lot. At the end of the timeout, they called my name to get us fired up. I was not able to make any shots, but it was a good memory for me. Once, during basketball practice, I fell backwards and hit my head, but I didn’t have a concussion, so it looks like I will be able to continue playing basketball until the end.

This month, the host sister had her first volleyball game. There I met the father of one of the sister’s friends, who is half Japanese and half American and has a Japanese last name, which suddenly made me want to go back to Japan! We also had a birthday for our host grandmother. My host grandmother had a birthday, and my host mom was going to order a coffeecake, but she changed it to cookies and cream for us kids. Thanks to her, I was able to enjoy it as well.

I also decided to join horse riding club this month. I’ve never ridden a horse before, but I’ve always liked animals, so I really enjoyed the two and a half hours of practice. My friend was going to lend me a horse. I don’t have anything that I need yet, so I’ll have to get it. It was really cool that everyone at the club wasn’t afraid of anyone even though the horses were running really fast. There is no season at the riding club, and I can participate until the end of my study abroad period, so I will do my best.

There are still a lot of things that I stumble over in English, but the fact that Brother said that it is cool to have an accent and that he wanted to be able to speak like that motivated me. I’ll do my best for the next half!




そして今月にはホストシスターの初めてのバレーボールの試合がありました。そこでシスターの友達のお父さんとお会いしたのですが、彼が日本とアメリカのハーフで日本の苗字を持っていて、急に日本にとてつもなく帰りたくなりました!また、ホストグランマの誕生日がありました。マザーが、子供たちがいるからとコーヒーケーキを注文しようとしていたところをクッキーアンドクリーム味に変えてくれました。マザーありがとう泣! おかげでわたしも美味しくいただくことができました。



カナダ・アルバータ州  1年留学 R. W. さんから

Hello there,  I am R. W., an exchange student at Strathmore Secondary School in Alberta, Canada.    I was planning to go to Banff because of winter vacation in December, but it was canceled because the temperature in Canada was too cold.  It was getting colder and colder in December, and the events were often postponed or canceled.  Therefore, especially during the winter vacation, I finished studying.  Also, as the number of coronaviruses has increased, the rules for dormitories have become stricter.

I had my birthday in December, and I was very happy that everyone in the dormitory celebrated it.  At school, the name was called and celebrated on the school broadcast.  It was a very nice day.  Also, I was surprised to find a person who beats pigs when teaching the hobbies that everyone is addicted to in a dance class.   That’s my report.  I am now enjoying winter in Canada!

皆さん、こんにちは! 私の近況です。12月は冬休みがあって本当はバンフに行く予定でしたが、カナダの気温が寒すぎてキャンセルになってしまいました。12月はとても寒く、イベントが延期や中止になることが多かったです。そのため特に冬休みは勉強して終わりました。コロナ・ウィルスが増えてきたため寮の規則か厳しくなってきました。


カナダ・BC州  1年留学 C.M. さんから

Hi! I’m C.M.  Now, 4 months have passed since I came here.  I’ll talk about Christmas and my life in Canada.  In late December, a cold wave hit in Canada. It’s so freezing. Canada also experienced flooding due to heavy rains and heavy snowfall. I played in the snow with my host family. It was so fun but so freezing. I have never felt cold before until I came here, but now, I’m getting used to the cold in Canada.

I had 3 weeks holiday, I was so happy but I couldn’t go out almost because the number of infect people in Canada is increasing. It is not good, We should continue to work on infection control. I talked with my host family and I played with my host sister and host brother on the holiday. We did a puzzle and board game, and my roommate and I talked to each other about our country. It was a good time. She is Chinese, and she is learning marketing in college. Before I came here, I didn’t like English, so now, I can speak English a little but I’m so glad. I’d like to speak English very well. I’ll keep going.

I’ll talk about Christmas in Canada. I saw illumination in the city. It was so beautiful and sparkle. In my school, I watched the movie such as [home alone]. I love Christmas movie. I also made holiday card. I gave to my teacher, she was so pleased. I was so happy too. I had a Christmas party with my host family. I ate a lot of meal and those were very tasty. We had a big Christmas tree at my house. It was so big and so sparkle. I enjoyed Christmas in Canada!

Then, I’ll talk about my school life. I’m getting used to listening English and speaking English. I studied the basics of English, and I’m learning English carefully from scratch. I think it’s important to output, so I’m trying to use English, not just learn it.  In art class, I started final project. It is I can use any ways and I can take any topics. It’s so difficult because I should think about it by myself but always teacher help me, I’m so glad.

I will come back in Japan in June, so I have more six months to stay here in Canada. I’ll keep working on it. Thank you for reading!!


カナダでは12月下旬に寒波が襲来しとても寒かったです。また大雨大雪による洪水なども各地で起きていました。12月はほとんど雪が降っていてホストファミリーと一緒に雪遊びをしたりもしました。 日本ではあまり感じたことのない寒さだったので、初めは驚きましたが今では少し慣れてきました。





カナダ・BC州  1年留学 M.U.  さんから

Hi everyone! I’m M.U and I’m studying at Nelson BC Canada. In this report I’ll write about what I experienced in this month.

What do you first think about winter? I think about skiing!  In Nelson there is a ski trail called White Water and people from other places come here to ski. White Water has a beautiful view, and the poutine they have is so delicious. The snow they have here is so cool, the powder snow is awesome here.

This month I participated in the activity of development of the Kootenay Lake SD8 Anti Racism Policy. There, we have discussed about racism and how to make the Kootenay a better place for student. Four students from each school came and had participated in this program. I was the one of the students that went there as the exchange student. We have made logo of this movement and took an interview movie form each student. I really enjoyed this program and I have made some friends from other school.

This month was Christmas. In my house, we decorated the trees and had a family dinner. Christmas in here is very big and I have got so many presents from my host family. I loved the dinner, and I really had a good time.

This is the end of my report, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!


皆さん冬と言えば何を思い浮かべますか?私は冬と言ったらスキーです! ここネルソンでは、ホワイトウォーターというスキー場があり、ネルソン以外の地域の方々も毎年たくさん来られるというとても広く綺麗なスキー場です。景色が信じられないくらい綺麗で、写真で表せないくらいの絶景です。そしてホワイトウォーターにあるプーティンが絶品で、疲れた体にしみる一品です。雪のコンディションも最高で、サラサラのパウダースノーにアイスバーンが一つもないスキー場でした!


今月はクリスマスがありました。私の家では少ないですが親戚が集まってクリスマスディナーを一緒に食べました。ここのクリスマスは大規模で、プレゼントの量もすごくて、とても楽しかったです! 以上が私の今回のレポートです。読んでくださって、ありがとうございました!
