De la France, From America and Canada – Study Abroad Reports
大妻中野は、Beyond School を合言葉に、留学が大変盛んな学校です。 世界中で、多様な環境の中で、視野を広げ、地球市民としてのマインドとスキルを磨いています。今回は、フランス、アメリカ、カナダからの留学レポートを紹介します。
Now please find the updated reports from exchange students. Otsuma Nakano is a school where study abroad is very popular under the slogan “Beyond School. Here are some new reports from France, America and Canada.
De La France,
Bonjour!Je m’appelle U.I. J’apprends le français et j’étudie à l’école saint-denis international school.
四月はプレゼンテーションの発表や学校のお祭りがあるのでそれに向けて準備をしています。私は日本の文化について紹介するのですが、漫画と制服について紹介しようかなと思っています。漫画はみんなが大好きなので選びましたが、制服はフランスの学校には制服がないからあえて選びました。フランスの学校に制服がない理由は多人種国家であり、個性を尊重することを重んじているので、一人ひとりが似合うもの、好きな物が違うという考えからだそうです。とても素敵な考えですよね。 私自身は毎日着るものに悩みたく無いので制服があったほうが良いかなと思いました。
From Oregon, America,
Hi, I’m E.U. from Oregon, America. Congratulations to all high school seniors on your graduation! March is drawing to a close and there are less than three months left to study abroad. The season was coming to an end for my basketball club, but because of the team’s good performance, we had an off-season tournament. We lost our first game, but we were able to hold a team that usually scores about 60 points to 33 points. Coach said that although we lost this game, it was not a loss for us as a team. The seniors were in tears of frustration because this was their last basketball game in high school, and they lost by only 3 points.
After the basketball season was completely over, a banquet was held to celebrate the team’s accomplishments. At the banquet, everyone brought snacks and fruit to eat and reflect on the season. They told the coaches that starting something new is not easy and that they came to practice every day, even though they didn’t know what was right and wrong, and helped the team improve. I got a small poster and a certificate of commendation. Then I started getting serious about the riding club.
In mid-March we had our first meet for me and my team’s second meet. A meet is a competition, where schools from different parts of Oregon gather in one place to compete for times in various talks. I was very disappointed to find out just before the meet that the horse I was going to borrow had developed an abscess and could not be used. I was very upset, and my hands were shaking. I was quite upset because the horse was considerably taller and faster than the one I had planned to use. However, when I opened the lid, the result was not that bad. I was in last place in most of the competitions, but I was able to complete the entire competition safely, and I had a lot of fun when I first tried out a phase of speed called loping during the competition. Roping is the fastest speed in the warm-up phase. I was pretty exhausted after four days in the arena, but my team members made it to the state competition and it was a great experience for me as well.
And now we are enjoying Spring Break to rave reviews. It’s only a week away and school resumes soon, but I’m already out of the rhythm of my life. I will try to adjust with spirit.
3月の中旬には私にとっては初めての、チームにとっては2回目のミートがありました。ミートは大会のことで、オレゴン州の各地域の学校が一箇所に集まり、さまざまな協議でタイムを競う場所です。ミート直前で私が借りる予定だった馬が膿瘍になってしまい、使えないことがわかりました。前日の練習で一度だけ練習した馬で本番当日挑むことになり、かなり動揺して手の震えが止まりませんでした。その馬は私が使う予定だったものよりかなり背が高く、スピードが速かったからです。しかし、蓋を開けてみたら結果はそこまで悪くありませんでした。順位はほとんどの競技で最下位でしたが、安全に全ての競技を終えることができたし、ローピングと呼ばれる段階の速さを競技中に初めて出してみたらとても楽しかったからです。 ローピングはウォーミングアップの段階ではいい番早いスピードです。四日間のアリーナでの滞在にかなり疲れ切ってしまいましたが、チームのメンバーは州大会に進出して私にとってもいい体験になりました。
From Nelson, BC, Canada,
Hi everyone! I’m M.U, an exchange student in Nelson BC Canada. In this report, I’ll write about what I have experienced in two months of February and March.
The weather is getting warmer, and the snow started to melt. From February, my term changed, and I started my new classes. In the last term, I had a hard subject, so I feel released now. The biggest event that I had in this month is I had changed my homestay. In regular schedule I was supposed to have two homestays. However, there was a little mistake and I ended having three homestays. It surprised me a lot before leaving Japan, but I think this is a good experience. All of the families that I had for host family are very kind.
Before I moved to my new homestay, I heard from my homestay coordinator that I’ll be staying with another exchange student from Austria. I was so excited when I heard that, and I lived longer at Nelson so I’m so happy that I could show her the city of Nelson. The house that I live right now is at town. The house that I stayed before is at outside of town. It took almost 30 minutes to town with car. There are only few transportations at Nelson so it was very hard to go to town, but now I could go there in 5 minutes! However, the walk to school is ridiculously hard. It’s 40 minutes of walking up and down the mountains, and it is soo exhausting but the view from up the mountain is beautiful.
These two months were very challenging and most exciting months, I’m glad that I survived this two month. This is the end of my report, thank you for reading!
いよいよ冬が終わりネルソンにも春の暖かさがやってきました。 2月から、私の学校では第3タームに突入して留学生活も残り半分を切りました。 新しい授業も始まりそこでも新しい友人がたくさんできました。2月に入り自分に起きた大きな変化として挙げられるのが、ホームステイ先が変わったことです。もともとの予定では、ホストファミリーは隔離期間の家族を含め2件の予定でしたが、少し手違いがあって、三件お世話になることになりました。留学前にきかされた時は驚きましたが、これも経験だと思い旅立ちました。私がお世話になったホストファミリーは全員とても優しい方々です!
From Alberta, Canada,
My name is H.I. and I am studying abroad in Alberta, Canada. It has been 7 months since I came to Canada to study.
This month, we had a school event called International Day, where each international student cooked dishes from their own country and showed their own culture and many other things. I had never talked about Japan in depth with my Canadian friends, so it was great to be able to talk about Japanese home cooking and culture in depth! I also had the opportunity to exchange dishes from my own country with international students with whom I had never spoken before, and our friendship deepened!
Also this month, I visited the West Edmonton Mall, which is said to be the largest mall in North America. The mall is very large and has indoor roller coasters, other attractions, pools, etc.! It was so much fun! We also made karaage, a Japanese home-style dish, for our host families! I was a little apprehensive since it was my first time making it, but I’m glad it turned out well!
This month is very short, and I feel sad, but I want to make the most of my remaining three months! Thank you for reading my report!
また、今月は北米で最大と言われているウェスト・エドモントン・モールに行きました。モールはとても広く、屋内の中にあるジェットコースターやその他のアトラクション、プールなどをしました!すごく楽しかったです!また、ホストファミリーに日本の家庭料理である唐揚げを作りました! 初めて作るので不安もありましたが、うまくできてよかったです!
今月は残り3ヶ月の少ない期間になりとても短く、寂しい気持ちもありますが、残り3ヶ月を有効的に過ごしたいです! ご清覧ありがとうございました。
From Langley, Canada,
Hello everyone, my name is M.T. and I am studying abroad in Aldergrove, Langley, Canada. This time, I would like to write about “Food and Corona” in Canada and Japan. To begin with, Canada is a country of immigrants, so there is a mixture of cultures from various countries. Therefore, we are not often told about the manner of eating in our daily life in public. Of course, it is sometimes said at home as a form of discipline, but sometimes I think that the person who is paying attention to it is also rude from the side. This is just a story of my host family, and one of the factors may be that my mother and grandmother were strict about etiquette. In my family, it was the norm to be silent when eating or to keep it to a minimum. Therefore, I was the type of person who chatted during meals, which surprised my host family.
Also, in Japan, with Corona, I had to intentionally keep a “distance” from people, not only at meals, but also in my daily life. In Canada, however, this is not so much the case. If I may say so, there is only a little space between seats at restaurants, and at school, the gymnasium is opened during lunch time, so there is more space to have meals. Along with that, I feel that even the usual sanitary conditions are not good. I am not sure if I am just being sensitive or if they are being too careless, but it is very difficult to understand, accept, and live with a different culture. I felt that the “new” is not a new thing.
Incidentally, the reason I decided to write this is that during the recent 2-week spring break, I had more opportunities to get involved with my host family than usual, got used to life here, and felt that I could see things that I could not see before, perhaps because I was more relaxed. Recently, the days have become longer, and it is bright until after 7:30. I have three months left until I return to Japan, and I will do my best.
また、日本では、ウィズコロナに伴い、食事に限らず、日常生活でも、人との『距離』を故意に取らなければなりませんでした。 しかし、カナダではそういったことはあまりなく、強いて言うなら、飲食店の席同士が少し間隔を空けている程度であり、学校では昼食時に体育館が開放され、食事をとれるスペースが広がったくらいです。私のホストファミリーの家は、衛生面での環境がよくないように感じます。 私がセンシティブなだけなのか、彼らが油断しすぎなのかはわかりませんが、異文化を理解すること、受けいれ、生活していくことはとても難しいことだと感じました。
From Langley, Canada
Hello, I’m R.C, and I’m a student at Brookswood Secondary School in Langley, Canada. It has been 2 months since I came here. I am becoming accustomed with everything, but I don’t know if I’m developing. I’ll do my best with the help of people around me! This month, I had a spring break for 2 weeks. I did a lot of things, so I thought a lot about what should I write in this entry. I’m going to report about St. Patrick’s Day and day camping.
On March 17, it was St. Patrick’s Day. I didn’t know about this day because we don’t celebrate it in Japan. What is St. Patrick’s Day? It is the anniversary of the death of St. Patrick, a bishop who spread Christianity in Ireland. Irish symbol color is green, so everyone had green things here. On this morning, my host sister woke me up and she said “Come here, come here!!” So, when I went to the bathroom there were two green footprints on the toilet and when I went to the kitchen there was a green balloon that was marked “#2” on a table so we thought we had to find #1. When we found it, we popped the balloon and there was a mission written on a paper inside the balloon. In the end, we found 7 balloons that were throughout the house, and we completed the missions. The missions were singing, shouting “Happy St. Patrick’s Day”, eating Jellybeans, and stuff like that. After the last mission, we found “Lucky Charms” cereal and we ate it for breakfast. It was a really funny day!!
On March 24, I had a barbecue with my host family! First, we ate vegetables, fruits, and snacks while we were waiting for the fire to light. Next, we ate hot dogs. We roasted sausages ourselves. It took me a while to cook it so the pleasure of eating had increased! Finally, we ate desserts. These were marshmallows and chocolates between cookies; they called it s’mores. We also roasted marshmallows ourselves. These became really soft and really delicious!! I had a barbecue with my family 2 years ago in Japan, it was so fun to be able to do it after such a long time!
During the spring break, I really enjoyed sleeping over with my friend at our house, talking with my Canadian friend, going to a theater to watch Japanese anime, going shopping, and stuff like that! I’ll continue to make efforts to enjoy my time! Thank you for reading!
こんにちは、私の名前はR.Cで、カナダ、ラングレーのブルックスウッド・セカンダリースクールに通っています。カナダにきて2ヶ月が経ちました。色々なことに慣れてきましたが、まだ自分が成長しているのか分かりません。これからも周りの人々の力を借りながら努力し続けます。今月は、2週間の春休みがありました。色々なことをしたのでこのレポートに何を書くかとても悩みました。今回はSt. Patrick’s Day とバーベキューをした日について書きます。
3月17日に私たちはSt. Patrick’s Dayがありました。このような日は日本にはないのでこの日のことを知りませんでした。ところで、これは何の日なのでしょうか?アイルランドにキリスト教を広めた司教・聖パトリックの命日だそうです。アイルランドのシンボルとなる色が緑色なので、ここではみんな緑色のものを身に着けていました。この日の朝、私はホストシスターによって起こされました。そして彼女は「こっち来てこっち来て!」と言うのでまずトイレに行くと二つの緑色の足跡が便座の上にありました。さらに、キッチンに行くと#2と書かれた緑色の風船が机の上に置いてありました。そして私たちは#1を見つけなくてはいけないのだと思いました。それを見つけてその風船を割ってみると、風船の中からミッションが書かれた紙が出てきました。結局私たちは家の至る所にあった7個の風船を見つけてそれぞれのミッションをクリアしました。これらのミッションは歌ったり、「Happy St. Patrick’s Day」と外で叫んだり、Jelly Beansを食べたりすることでした。最後のミッションを終えると私たちはLucky Charms(シリアルみたいなもの)を見つけてそれを朝ごはんとしてみんなで食べました。とても楽しかったです!