
From American & Canada – Easter Holidays & Graduation Coming Soon


New Study Abroad Reports reached us. Easter events have been experienced, and for students studying abroad in North America and Europe, the school year is ending and graduation is approaching. With only a few days left of their study abroad experience, it’s time to head towards the finals of their study abroad experience. These are from the United States and Canada.    Here we go!

From Oregon, America,

Hi,  I am E.U. from Oregon.   I finally have a month and a half left to live here.  The graduation gowns were handed out last week, and I am realizing that graduation is imminent.

This month we had our last competition for horseback riding. For the seniors, this was their last competition in four years, and a senior ceremony was held to honor their accomplishments over the past four years. Members from my school set the fastest records in three divisions on that one day alone. More than half of our team was selected to compete in the state competition, and I was proud to be a member of the same team. I personally have no regrets because I was able to shorten my time considerably this time compared to last time. Riding was both fun and difficult enough that I would like to continue riding even after returning to Japan. It was a good experience and one that I am sure I will never forget.

The riding season is officially over this month, and I will be able to spend the remaining month and a half relaxing at my own pace. The competition lasted four days, but I went home one day before everyone else so that I could be home in time for Easter, which fell on the last day of the competition. It was not such a big event in Japan, so I wanted to be there. Before Easter, we filled many egg-shaped capsules with candy and hid them in various places on our property. This was called the Easter Egg Hunt, and it was an event for small children, but I was happy to participate in it. In addition, just like at Thanksgiving, the whole family gathered together and brought their own food and enjoyed conversation. Turkey, potato salad, pistachio pudding, etc. were very delicious.

There are quite a few family events in the United States. Even though we lived quite far away from each other, we always got together whenever something happened and cherished the time we all spent together. What was shocking to me was that my host father was working on some documents related to taxes, but he paused his work to play a board game with his family. I was quite surprised because I didn’t think that culture existed in Japan.

On the weekend, we all went to a horse-riding club for a fundraising auction, and the club coach said, “Why don’t you sell yourselves as part-timers? We went to the house of the person who bought the 8 of us for 4 hours and cleaned up his house. The person has a huge plot of land where he will be having a big ceremony soon, so we picked up fallen branches to make the place look nice, and we also stacked firewood for the fire. After that, I went to help recycle the cans collected for further fundraising and was able to raise 100,000 yen. Although there were no major events, we had a great time in April.   For the rest of my time here, I will give it my best try!





週末には乗馬クラブにみんなで資金集めのために行ったオークションの時にクラブのコーチが“あなたたちをバイトとして売ったらいいじゃない”と言い出し、私たち8人を4時間で買った方の家の掃除をしに行きました。その方は広大な土地を持っていてそこで近々、結構式が行われるそうでそれに向けて見栄えを良くするために落ちていた枝拾いをしたり、焚き火用の薪をつんだりしました。その後更なる資金集めのために集められた飲み終わった後の缶のリサイクルの手伝いに行き、10万円を作ることができました。大々的なイベントがあるわけではありませんでしたが4月も楽しく過ごすことができました。 残りの留学期間を充実させたものにします!

From Langley, Canada,

Hello, I am M.T, a second-year high school student studying abroad in Canada. This time, I would like to write about Easter in Canada. In Canada, Easter seems to be a national holiday, and there was a big 5-day holiday from Friday the 15th to Tuesday the 19th. I heard that Canada is a country with many holidays, and there have been several holidays in the past, but I did not expect so many. On Easter, they go to the square and get candy and a picture with a stuffed rabbit, and my 6-year-old host sister happily told me about the event. She got a pink rabbit marshmallow, which she ate with relish. She gave me two small oval chocolates in an egg-shaped container. I had never been aware of Easter because it is not celebrated on a large scale in Japan, but I thought I would remember this and personally celebrate it next year.   Thank you for your reading.

こんにちは、カナダに留学している高校2年生のM.Tです。今回は、カナダのイースターについて書きたいと思います。カナダでは、イースターは祝日となっているようで、15日金曜日から19日火曜日の5日間にわたる大型連休がありました。カナダは祝日が多い国であると聞いていて、これまでも何度か連休があったのですが、ここまで多いとは思いませんでした。イースターでは、広場へ行き、お菓子が貰ったり、ウサギの着ぐるみと写真が撮れたりするそうで、6歳のホストシスターが嬉しそうにそのイベントについてお話ししてくれました。彼女は、ピンクのウサギのマシュマロを貰い、おいしそうに食べていました。私は彼女から、卵型の容器に入った小さな楕円形のチョコレートを2つ貰いました。イースターは日本では大々的に祝われたりしないため、意識したことがなかったのですが、来年からはこのことを思い出して、個人的にお祝いしてみようかなと思いました。  お読みいただきありがとうございました。

From British Columbia, Canada,

Hi everyone! I’m M.U. studying at Nelson BC in Canada. In this report, I’ll write about what I have experienced in this month.

The weather is getting warmer and now I can walk outside with short sleeves. In my school there is four semesters and from April, the classes changed. Now I take Socials and Studio Art. I started to get used to this school and I find some people I know everywhere I go.  In social classes, the teachers are very energetic and very friendly. In the studio art class, students create their own projects and are free to create their own works of art. I recently tried my hand at pottery for the first time, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out!

In Kootenay district, there is an activity every month for exchange student. This month we went on the ferry and hiking. The weather was perfect for hiking, and we had some marshmallows on the lake side. On the ferry, we spend our time eating and drinking and talking with other passengers on the ferry.

When my school had four days of long weekend, I went to my friend’s house to have a lunch party. I made sushi and soba noodle. My friends made Tteokbokki and other meal is from their country. The food was ridiculous amount and we had too many foods that day. However, this was fun day.

I have two months until returning to Japan. I will challenge everything that I can in Canada. This is all for this report. Thank you for reading!


四月に入り、だんだん気温も暖かくなってきてやっと半袖で外を歩けるようになりました。私の学校は4ターム制で四月から新しいクラスに変りました。今ターム私はソーシャルとスタジオアートの授業をとりました。学校にもだいぶ知り合いができて新しいクラスでも何人か知り合いがいて、学校になじめてきた気がします。  ソーシャルの授業では先生がとてもエネルギッシュでとても仲良くしてくれます。スタジオアートでは生徒がプロジェクトを制作するとともに、自分の作品を自由に制作できるクラスで、私はこの前初めて陶芸に挑戦しました。まだ焼いてないのでどんな感じなるのか楽しみです!

私がいるクートニーレイク学区では毎月留学生用にアクティビティを開いています。 今月は近くにあるフェリーに乗って初めての土地で、地元で有名なパン屋さんやほうき屋さんなどを見て回り、最後にはハイキングをしました。フェリーは40分くらい乗りました。コーヒーやお菓子を食べながらつくのを待ったり、乗船していた他のお客さんとお話したりして過ごしました。ハイキングでは片道一時間半かけて綺麗な水辺に出ました。そこでキャンプファイヤーをしてマシュマロを焼いたりしました。とても楽しい日になりました!
























