
From France & Canada, Final Study Abroad Reports 2


Now it is the Part 2 of the Final Report for one-year study abroad programs. It is the end of the school year. More and more students are returning home after completing their study abroad program and safely returning home for the first time in a year. They will be missing all of them who have been with them.   Here are the reports from France and Canada.

From France,

Bonjour!Je m’appelle U.I. J’apprends le français et j’étudie à l’école saint-denis international school.






From Langley,  Canada

Hello, my name is R.C, and I’m a student at Brookswood Secondary School in Langley, Canada. It has been 4 months since I came here. I can stay here for just 1 more month and I only have 4 more weeks of school. I’m cherishing every day. My report that posted in February also posted on Homestay Newsletter in Canada. That was a great experience and I’m really glad! In this entry, I would like to report about Mother’s Day, Laser tag, and BBQ.

On May 8, it was Mother’s Day. Before this day, I talked with my roommates about what we can give to our host mother and we bought beautiful flowers, two mugs, and cards. When we were eating dinner we gave them to her. After she read our letters of our gratitude, she hugged us. She looked happy and we were happy too! The next day, she used the mug we gave to her and she said this coffee is so good because of this mug. It was really a good day!

On May 12, I did Laser tag with the school’s program. I couldn’t imagine before I went there because it was my first time to do it. I had to wear something to play it and I was really confused because I didn’t know how to use it. When it started I wanted to move with my friends but all of them went away so I just ran and shot a lot of people. After I found my friend, we did it in cooperation. Someone was staying at the same place to get a good score but I thought it would be boring so I was running to find people and it was super fun!! After we played three times, we ate dinner and people who got highest score and lowest score got a gift card for Starbucks, snacks, or some other prize. I wanted to get the card for Starbucks but I didn’t get highest and lowest score so I couldn’t get anything but at the same time I got a really good experience!

On May 21, I did BBQ with my host family and friends. Before the BBQ, I made some Japanese foods with my friends for the BBQ. Some of my friends who helped me to make it are from Korea so me and my Japanese friend taught them how to make it. We made Onigiris and egg rolls. We put salt and sesame seeds on some Onigiris and Tunamayo in some of them. My host family and my roommate’s friends said “I love this Japanese food!! You should make them next weekend too!!” I was so glad to hear that. We ate Brigadeiro which is Brazilian candy, Focaccia which is Italian food, snacks, hamburgers, and things like that. They were so good!! I want to eat them again. We talked a lot and played UNO so we could become closer than before. It was super fun! I want to do it again! Thanks to my host family who suggested having the BBQ!

When I came to Canada, I was worried if I would be able to communicate with people and be close to my roommates and friends but now I have really good roommates and a lot of friends and I love them! I’m spending a lot of time with them and trying to do my best for the rest of the month. Thank you for reading!

こんにちは、私の名前はR.Cで、カナダのラングレーにあるブルックスウッド中等学校の生徒です。 ここに来て4ヶ月が経ちました。 私はわずか1ヶ月間ここに滞在することができ、あと約4週間学校に行くことができます。毎日を大切に過ごしていきます。2月に投稿した私のレポートは、ホームステイニュースレターに掲載されました。それは素晴らしい経験であり、私は本当にうれしいです!今回は母の日、レイザータグ、BBQについてレポートしたいと思います。

5月8日、この日は母の日でした。この日の前に、私はルームメイトとホストマザーに何を贈るか話して、きれいな花、マグカップ、手紙を買いました。私たちが夕食を食べているとき、私たちは彼女にそれらを渡しました。ホストマザーは私たちの感謝の気持ちがこもった手紙を読んだ後、私たちにハグをしてくれました。彼女は幸せそうで、私たちも幸せでした!翌日、彼女は私たちが彼女に贈ったマグカップを使い、彼女はこのマグカップのおかげでこのコーヒーはとてもおいしいと言ってくれました。 本当に良い一日でした!

5月12日、私は学校のプログラムでレイザータグをしに行きました。初めてだったので、行く前はイメージできませんでした。プレイするために何かを装着しなければいけず、私はそれを使用する方法を知らなかったので、とても混乱していました。始まった時は友達と一緒に行動したかったのですが、みんなどこかに行ってしまったので、とにかく走ってたくさんの人を撃ちました。友達を見つけた後は協力してやりました。何人かはいいスコアを取るために同じ場所にずっと隠れていましたが、私はそれは退屈だと思ったので、私は人を見つけるためにたくさん走りました。とても楽しかったです!! 3回遊んだ後、夕食を食べて、最高得点と最低点の人がスターバックスのカード、スナックをもらっていました。私はスターバックスのカードが欲しかったのですが、最高点も最低点も取れなかったので何ももらえませんでしたが、同時に本当に良い経験ができました!

5月21日、ホストファミリーや友人とバーベキューをしました。バーベキューをする前に、友達と日本食を作ってバーベキューをしました。作ってくれた友達の中には韓国人もいたので、私と日本人の友達で作り方を教えました。おにぎりと玉子焼きを作りました。 塩とゴマをおにぎりにかけたり、ツナマヨを中に入れたりしました。 ホストファミリーやルームメイトの友達は「この日本食大好き!! 来週末も作って!!」と言ってくれました。それを聞いてとてもうれしかったです。BBQではブラジルのキャンディーであるブリガデイロ、イタリア料理であるフォカッチャ、お菓子、ハンバーガーなどを食べました。とてもおいしかったです!また食べたいです。たくさんお話をしたりUNOで遊んだりしたので、友達とは以前よりも仲良くなることができました。とても楽しかったです!またやりたいです! バーベキューを勧めてくれたホストファミリーに感謝します!

カナダに来た時は、コミュニケーションがちゃんと取れるのか、ルームメイトや友達と仲良くなれるのか不安でしたが、今ではとても良いルームメイトや素晴らしい友達がたくさんいて、彼らが大好きです!  私は彼らと多くの時間を過ごし、今月の残りの間ベストを尽くし続けていきます。読んでいただきありがとうございました!

From Langley, Canada,

Hello everyone. I’m A.T and I’m studying abroad in Langley, Canada.  I would like to write about I went on a trip to my host farmer’s parent’s house in Penticton for a four-day weekend. Penticton is a 4 or 5 hour drive from Langley. It’s located between two lakes and is famous for its wineries.

On the first day, we left home around noon and had sandwiches made by my host mother in the car for lunch. This was the first time I went east of Langley and there were many fields and mountains, and a nice view from the highway. There was still snow on the mountains. When we arrive in Kelowna, from there we will follow the lakeshore to Penticton. When I saw the lake for the first time, I was amazed at how beautiful and large it was. After arriving in Penticton, we had dinner at a restaurant and finish the first.

On the second day, we went to the cottage where my host family’s friends were traveling near Lake Osoyoos in the afternoon. I made bracelets with my host sisters and her friends.We played together in the park on the property. After that, We went to the outdoor pool on the property. I waited at the poolside and the view of the lake from there was amazing. After returning from the pool, it was time for dinner. It was meat, potatoes baked in foil, and mushrooms. We ate dinner while watching a movie.

On the third day, it was Sunday, We went to church in the morning. At the church, people around me even though I had never met them before. It was a precious time that I couldn’t have in Japan. In the afternoon, I spent time with my host family on the beach at the lake, relaxing and looking at the view. After that, we went to a famous ice cream shop. There was a line for about 20 minute. Inside the store, there were many miscellaneous goods for sale. The store is located in the middle of nature and the exterior is so cute. There were so many flavors to choose from. I ate the chocolate cheesecake flavor, which I had never seen before in Japan. It was sweet and delicious!

After that, we went to a winery. The view there was truly amazing, with lakes, mountains, and vineyards all around. I could have spent hours view the scenery. When we got back, we ate Thai food.

On the fourth day, we didn’t do any sightseeing. We was expecting the highways to be jammed on the last day of the four-day weekend, so we drove back to Langley.

These four days were really great. The weather was great and I could see the beauty of Canada’s nature. It isn’t within easy reach, but I would like to go there again if I have the chance!!

Thank you for reading.

こんにちは、カナダのラングレーでセメスター留学をしているA.Tです。土日とPro D day、Victoria Dayで4連休があったのでホストファミリーのご実家に行ったので書きたいと思います。場所はペンティクトンです。ラングレーからは車で4、5時間かかるところにあります。2つの湖に挟まれている場所でワイナリーなども有名です。

1日目はお昼頃に家を出発して、ランチは車内でホストマザーが作ってくれたサンドウィッチを食べました。今回初めてラングレーより東側に行ったのですが、畑や山が多く、 高速道路からの眺めが良かったです。山にはまだ雪が残っていました。ケロウナに着くとそこからは湖岸に沿ってペンティクトンに向かいます。初めて湖を見た時は綺麗で大きな湖だったので感動しました。ペンティクトンに着いてからは夜ご飯を食べて1日目終了です。







