
From Canada New Study Abroad 2022-23 Kick Off

From Canada  –  One Year Study Abroad Reports from Canada  –

2022-23 の1年留学が始まって1カ月あまり。大妻中野の留学先は多岐に渡りますが、その中で最も人気が高い留学先がカナダです。多様性への価値、異なった文化が自然に共生する国。これまでも大妻中野のカナダ留学生は、その人種、ジェンダー、文化を問わずに個人を尊重して、互いに協働して暮らすカナダから多くのことを学んで、成長してきました。新しい年度のカナダ留学がいよいよ始まりました。レポートをどうぞ。

It has been a little over a month since the one-year study abroad program for 2022-23 began. Otsuma Nakano offers a wide variety of study abroad programs, the most popular of which is Canada. Canada is a country where diversity is valued and different cultures naturally coexist. Otsuma Nakano students have learned and broaden their viewpoint from studying in Canada, where people respect each other and work together regardless of race, gender, or culture. The new year of study abroad in Canada has finally begun. Please take a look at our report.

From British Columbia, Canada

Hi, My name is Y.M. I’m studying abroad in British Columbia in Canada. I’ve been living in Canada for a month. I came to Canada alone for the first time. This month, I experienced the first orientation, my birthday party, and lessons.

First, I went to Gross Mountain for my first orientation. This orientation was for international students and was attended by students from various schools in the Burnaby area. After meeting at Burnaby South High School, we road more than four buses. The bus is free regardless of school, so I sat in my favorite seat with my friend. After arrived Grouse Mountain, we took the ropeway. Canada’s ropeway is bigger than Japan’s ropeway. I was very surprised because Canada’s ropeway can accommodate 30 people. The view when I got to the mountain was great with the whole city of Burnaby visible. We walked and saw bears; lumberjack shows and owls. I took a picture with the owl up close. After that, I learned about the culture by watching traditional Canadian arts. Grouse Mountain is a place with a lot of nature, and I felt very refreshed.

Next, I become 16 years old this month. After school, I invited my friends to my homestay house and had a birthday party. My host family prepared sushi, chicken, and cake for me. All tasted was delicious. I danced and played card games with my friends. It was a happy day with cute birthday presents from my friends and host family.

Finally, it’s a dance lesson that I’ve been learning recently. I’ve been into hip-hop and locking since I was 3 years old, so I decided to learn dance in Canada. Before learning, I did a preliminary inspection and joined. After that, I tried “Jazz funk “with my friend. I was fascinated by the dynamic and energetic dances of foreign countries, where the level of dance is different from that of Japan. At first, I was nervous, but I enjoyed dancing. I’m going to try various types from now on.

I was so nervous and worried at the Vancouver airport. I was caught in the corona test at the airport, but I was relieved that the PCR was negative. Also, my host family is very kind, so I enjoy living here every day. From now on, I’d like to do things that I can’t experience in Japan. Thank you very much for your reading.




最後に、最近習っているダンスレッスンです。私は、3歳からヒップホップとロックを経験しています。そのため私はカナダでダンスを習うことを決めました。習う前に下見をして入会しました。その後友達と「Jazz funk」に挑戦しました。ダンスのレベルが日本と違い、海外のダンスはダイナミックでエネルギーがあるので私はすごく魅了されました。私は緊張しましたが、ダンスを思いっきり楽しめました。これから色んなジャンルにチャレンジしようと思います。私はバンクーバー空港ですごく緊張していて心配することがたくさんありました。私はその空港のコロナ検査に引っ掛かりましたが、PCRで陰性が出て安心しました。また、私のホストファミリーがとても優しいので毎日楽しく生活しています。

これからもっと日本で経験できない事をしたいと思います。 ご清聴ありがとうございました。

Hi! My name is S.M. and I have been attending Byrne Creek Community School in Burnaby, Canada.  It’s been about a month when I came here. I couldn’t speak English at all, but my teacher, host family and friends teach me, so I think I’m getting a little bit speak English! I will keep working hard!

This month I had my friend’s birthday party, had a picnic with my host family,  hang out with my friends and did many other things. One of what I enjoyed was that  I went to a church in the mountains with my host family and after we went to a place where we could see a waterfall, which was very beautiful!!  My host family has two dogs, and first they barked at me what I did, but recently they come over here and stop barking at me, so I am so happy!

I am looking forward to the next month because we will have Halloween, thanksgiving, and club activities, etc.. !    Thank you for reading. See you again soon!!

こんにちは! 私はS.M.です。カナダのバーナビーにあるByrne Creek Community Schoolに通っています。カナダに来て約1ヶ月が経ちました。英語が全く話せなかったのですが、先生やホストファミリー、お友達がたくさん教えてくれるので少しずつですが、話せるようになっていると思います!これからも頑張ります!



Hi! I’m M.K. and now  I am studying abroad in Vancouver, Canada.   I am introducing my first month of life in Canada.

Before going to Canada, I was most nervous when meeting my host family.  However, when I met him, he complimented me on how cute my clothes were and talked to me all the way to my house, so we became close to each other.  That night, I gathered my neighbors and had a BBQ in my host family’s garden.

I heard a lot of English, and it was all I could do just to listen. But even then, I was happy to hear people complimenting me on how good my English was.  When I got used to Canada, I went to Grouse Mountain, an event limited to international students. I was happy to see my friends in Otsuma Nakano after a long time, and the view was great.

And the first day of school. That day was more like guidance than a class, but I was surprised that the international students from other countries were so good at English. Classes started the next day. I started having lunch with the friends I became friends within the food education class. I am an international student, so when I meet people for the first time, I am often asked where I am from. When I answered that I am Japanese, they will tell me the Japanese words they know both at the BBQ and at school, which made me very happy.

Every day is full of new things, and I sometimes get confused by the differences in Japan, but I think I’m spending my days fulfilling.

こんにちは。現在カナダに留学中のM.K.です。  私の一ヶ月目のカナダ生活を紹介します。

カナダに行く前一番緊張していたのは、ホストファミリーと会うときでした。 しかし、会うと、洋服を可愛いと褒めてくれたり、家に向かう途中もずっと話しかけてくれてすぐに仲良くなれました。その日の夜近所さんを集めてホストファミリーの家の庭でBBQをしました。沢山の英語が聞こえてきて、聞き取るだけで精一杯でした。でもそんなときも英語上手だよと褒めてくれる人もいてうれしかったです。

カナダに慣れたころ留学生限定のイベントであるGrouse Mountainに行きました。久しぶりに大妻中野の友達たちと会えてうれしかったですし、眺めも最高でした。そして、学校初日。その日は授業ではなくガイダンスのようなものだったのですが、他の国から来た留学生の子たちの英語が上手すぎてびっくりしました。

次の日から授業がスタートしました。Food educationという授業で仲良くなった子達とは、お昼ご飯を一緒に食べるようになりました。



More Report from Canada – From Alberta, Canada reported by M.I.

From Alberta, Canada_Report by M.I

More Report from Canada – From Calgary, Canada reported by R.S.

From Calgary, Canada_Report_by R.S



