帰国小学生英語保持講座 – 2022年度3学期のお知らせ – Our Door Always Opens!
帰国小学生英語保持講座 2022 – 3学期のお知らせ
参加できる目安となる英語力は、英語圏の小学校(中学年以上)やInternational School (Elementary)での授業にキャッチアップできる英語力ですが、さまざまなレベルに対応できます。大切なのは、英語を話したい、使いたいという気持ちです。学齢は小学校5,6年生を中心に4年生以上が参加資格ですが、英語力が認められた小学校3年生以下のお子さんもおります。
クラス分けや入室試験はありません。授業に参加してもらい、ご自身で受講をお決めください。 皆で楽しく英語の勉強と活動を行っています。随時、参加を歓迎します。帰国生の皆さんがその経験を糧に活躍されることをいつも願っています。ご質問、参加申込は、以下にお願いします。global@otsumanakano.ac.jp
2022_Otsuma Nakano Saturday English Retention Class_Term3_Flyer_221210
Welcome to Otsuma Nakano Saturday English Retention Class for returnees! It’s great to share the updated schedule for the classes about Term 3 of 2022. Please find the attachment.
This class is always opening its door to anyone who want to study English with us. We welcome not only returnees but any students who are studying English very hard. It would be more than happy for us to welcome you all. In addition, we welcome students studying with us from overseas online!
The purpose of this class is to provide opportunities for students to retain and rebuild their English proficiency that they acquired abroad. Inquiry approach-based activities are valued in the class, focusing on reading and writing essays, presentations, and speeches. After each academic lesson, we have time for fun and games. We look forward to seeing newcomers on Saturdays.
If you would like to sign up for this class, it would be great if you could send us an email to:
Please contact the Otsuma Nakano Global Center with any questions or to register for this class. Once again, thank you so much for being with us.