
HLAB HUT Program – アメリカのトップ大学生とリベラルアーツ体験

Beyond School – 学校を越えて、世界と繋がれ!

本校では、様々な国内外の外部プログラム、本校とのネットワークを活かしたプログラム、 SGHネットワーク、そしてユネスコ・スクール活動に積極的にチャレンジしています。その中でも、特に、これまで多くの本校の生徒が参加してきたプログラムが、HLAB (多様性と学びが出会うプラットフォーム)です。この冬やそのHLABがアメリカ大使館と共催したアメリカのトップ大学生とリベラルアーツを体験するプログラム – Liberal Arts HUTに本校生徒が参加。そのリフレクションを紹介します。英語と日本語でどうぞ。

Hi, my name is R.  M.  and I participated in the HLAB Liberal Arts HUT program. I have been interested in the HLAB program for a long time. And I decided to participate in this program because I can experience liberal arts online in English.

First of all, liberal arts refers to general education, which includes a wide variety of subjects in literature, history, psychology, biology, media, and many other fields.  In the seminar I took this time, I learned about art (about the history we can learn from art), behavioral psychology (the field that studies human behavior and the psychology that causes that behavior), superheroes and power (about why superheroes are popular and what they represent), and cinematography.

During the seminar, the seminar participants introduced themselves to each other and learned about the seminar lecturers’ college days. The seminar lecturers were all from famous American universities, which was very interesting.

This time, I would like to introduce the seminar on cinematography, which I found most interesting among the seminars. Cinematography is all the things we think about in order to produce a cut and shoot it. We learned how the “lens”, “camera movement,” “lighting,” “camera type,” and other factors affect the movie. In this seminar, these things were taught through the movie “Parasite” which won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. For example, there was a scene in the film where a woman was sitting in a chair for a long time without moving, calling people around her and talking to them. At first glance, I did not feel anything, but when I thought about it, the atmosphere of the scene was dark, and the woman’s motion of not moving actually indicated the strong power she possessed. I also learned that there are many other things that we learn from movies that we are not even aware of.

This seminar has changed the way I look at films and other works! Through the HLAB program, I was able to learn about many interesting fields. I learned about the fields that I can actually study in college, and it gave me a chance to think about what I am interested in.

Finally, I would like to introduce a session in the HLAB program where we can hear from the seniors who have studied in the U.S and could learn firsthand experiences from them and ask questions about studying abroad know-how.

In this program, we were able to hear from seniors who are actually attending U.S. universities about various aspects of university life, their time as high school students, and about their examinations experience. Most of the seniors had taken both Japanese and U.S. entrance exams, which I thought was really amazing. It was interesting to hear valuable stories from these seniors.

I had not really thought about studying abroad, but participating in this program made me think about the possibility of studying abroad as an option.  Through the HLAB program, I was able to discover new things about myself and become interested in various things.  I suggest you join this program too!

HLAB Liberal Arts HUT programに参加した中学3年のR.M.です。私は、以前からHLABのプログラムに興味を持っており、今回はオンラインで英語でのリベラルアーツ体験が出来るということから、このプログラムに参加することにしました。




今回は、セミナーの中でも私が最も興味を持ったシネマトグラフィーのセミナーについて紹介したいと思います。シネマトグラフィーとは、そのカット(画)を演出し、撮影するために考えること全てのことです。「レンズ」「カメラの動き」「光のあて具合」「カメラの種類」などが作品にどのような影響をもたらしているのかについて学びました。このセミナーでは、これらのことを映画「パラサイト 半地下の家族」を通して教えてもらいました。




私は、あまり留学については考えていなかったのですが、このプログラムに参加したことで留学の選択もあるということも考えることが出来ました。 HLABのプログラムを通して、自分自身の中の新たな発見や様々なことに興味を持つきっかけになりました。 ぜひ、皆さんも参加してみてください!
