
アメリカの大学との新しい連携プログラム University of Saint Joseph

大妻中野はアメリカ、コネティカット州にある大学、セントジョセフ大学と2015年から、交流、連携プログラムを行っています。コロナ禍を経て、さらに今年は新しいプログラムが始まりました。それが、Pen Pal Initiative です。メールや動画での交流、アメリカの文化、アメリカの大学こと、進学方法のことを学び、また、アメリカの大学生に日本の文化、日本の学校のことを伝えています。 そのセントジョセフ大学からこのプログラムのフィードバックが届きました。どうぞ、ご覧ください。

UNIVERSITY OF SAINT JOSEPH – Division of Enrollment Management

Pen Pal Initiative with Otsuma Nakano HS Students

Beginning in August 2023, select University of Saint Joseph student ambassadors have been engaging in a new Pen Pal initiative with students enrolled at the Otsuma Nakano High School in Tokyo, Japan.

Objectives of this initiative include:

  • Establish student-to-student contact via email and video to share and exchange information, experiences and expectations of higher education in the United States. Assist Otsuma students understand what it is like to be a college student in the United States.
  • Familiarize prospective international students with a day in the life of University of Saint Joseph students, including academic expectations and engagement opportunities, as well as cultural and social opportunities on campus and in the greater Hartford/New England area. Engage application.
  • Familiarize USJ ambassadors with a day in the life of Otsuma Nakano HS students

“One of my pen pals said they want to attend Uni in the states. They have been asking me so many questions about the education system in the USA!”

“They have been very interested in ‘American slang’ and want to know more about our day to day life.”

“I thought it was very cool to hear that they have actual food in their vending machines, not just snacks.”

“It is interesting to hear how seriously the students at Otsuma Nakano take their studies at such a young age. They are strong scholars!”

“I got some information on how sports over there are more strict and not as fun as they seem in America.”

“I have noticed that they are very big into traveling the world. One of mine wants to go to Australia very soon!”

“They are very interested in hearing what our favorite American movies are. They really seem fascinated with American culture.”

“I was very intrigued to hear that the Otsuma Nakano students attend school year round.”

-USJ Students
