
立教大学GLAP – Challenge to the Trial Lesson 2024

Beyond School Challenge – 立教大学GLAP Trial Lesson 2024 に今年もチャレンジ!

今年も立教大学GLAPのTrial Lesson に本校の生徒がチャレンジしました。本校は「Beyond School – 学校を越えた」なプログラムへのチャレンジがモットーの学校です。特に近年は大学と連携した様々な発展的な学びの機会がたくさんあります。

その一つ、立教大学 Global Liberal Arts Program GLAP の主催する Trial Lesson へチャレンジ。参加した生徒のレポートを紹介します。

今年のGLAP Trial Lesson のトピックは、”“Hurricanes, Heatwaves and Rising Seas” まさに喫緊の気候変動への対応がテーマです。本校では、特徴あるグローバル×探究教育を英語で行っていますが、普段の取り組みを試す絶好の機会となりました。また、立教大学GLAPの特徴もよくわかり、進路を考える上でも貴重なチャンスとなりました。

H3  –  J.H. 

昨年に続き、立教大学 Global Liberal Arts Program GLAP が主催する Trial Lesson に今年も参加することができました。 このプログラムは、GLAP についてのガイダンス、学生たちによるプレゼンテーション、少人数アクティブラーニング授業、先輩たちとの懇親会などを行うものです。

メインであったアクティブラーニング授業では GLAP の特色の一つである少人数制を活かし、事前に配布されていた   “Hurricanes, Heatwaves and Rising Seas : Impacts of record ocean heat” について4,5人で話し合いました。 一人でこの問題について考えた時には思いつかなかったことが、話し合いをすることで、「なるほど!」と思える場面が多くありました。 インプットした知識を自分なりに分析し、数人でそのことについて一人一人が自分で考え、アウトプットをするという環境をとても魅力的に感じました。

短い時間でしたが、とても充実した時間を過ごすことができました。 立教大学の皆様、ありがとうございます。

Continuing from last year, I participated in the Trial Lesson sponsored by Rikkyo University’s, Global Liberal Arts Program (GLAP) this year as well. The program consisted of a guidance of GLAP, presentations by students, small group active learning classes and a social gathering with the students of GLAP.

In the main active learning class, we gathered up in small groups, which is one of the characteristics of GLAP and had a discussion about ‘Hurricanes, Heatwaves and Rising Seas: Impacts of record ocean heat’. In this discussion, lots of ideas came out and I learned a lot of new things from those people. I found it very attractive to be in an environment where a few people gather up and say their opinions in different perspectives. I learned that expressing your feeling and having a conversation with others is a very important thing to do and I think these skills will be very precious in different kind of places.

Overall, it was a very stimulating experience and I really appreciate having this opportunity.

H3  –  S. T. 

On July 27th, I attended a trial lesson for GLAP. I was excited to see how this program could help me with my academic goals. Before the lesson, I read an article from BBC Science about the impact of record ocean heat and prepared some questions and discussion topics.

After listening to a presentation from the freshmen, we were divided into small groups to begin our discussions. I was excited to discuss how individuals and companies can effectively address environmental threats, as well as the importance of being aware of climate change and pursuing a liberal arts education. During the discussion, I found myself to be the most engaged speaker, passionately sharing my ideas and engaging with different perspectives. I really enjoyed the collaborative atmosphere in the group, which made the entire experience highly enjoyable and stimulating. I found it very enriching that the small group setting encouraged meaningful interactions and enabled in-depth discussions.

Millions of thanks to all for the wonderful opportunity.

H3  – L. H.  

By attending the GLAP trial lesson, I learned numerous valuable things. I had the opportunity to participate in a tutorial lesson with around 5 other individuals. Initially, I was quite nervous and hesitant to speak up, as I had never interacted with these people before and they all came from diverse backgrounds. This hesitation made it difficult for me to actively engage at the beginning of the discussions. However, as the lesson progressed, I found myself becoming more comfortable expressing my thoughts and opinions.

What struck me the most was observing how other students engaged in conversations. Despite not always being certain about their answers, they exuded confidence in presenting their viewpoints. Their ability to express their opinions and engage with others shocked me, but it also inspired me since I am planning to study at the faculty of liberal arts, which requires having discussions regularly.

Overall, the GLAP trial lesson proved to be an invaluable experience, providing us the opportunity to interact and share each other’s opinions. It also taught me the importance of confidence and openminded communication skills during discussions, which will be significantly beneficial for my future academic career.

H2  –  S. M.  

Taking part in GLAP trial lesson has become a valuable experience in making a concrete image about my career-path selection. I was able to hold discussions with people from different locations and grades. The theme was “rising sea surface temperature” and associated “climate change” and people actually learning in Rikkyo university facilitated our conference.

We exchanged ideas while putting emphasis on “Why” and “How”, such as “Why people have no sense of crisis about the critical situation” and “How we can make others feel familiar with this problem”. In the past, I’ve actually had several discussions about  “How people could have awareness of crisis towards environmental problems”, and the conference always concluded that “education” is important. However, in GLAP, we had in-depth discussion, such as “What curriculum we should adopt” and “What lacks in current Japanese education”. Since there were only four people in a group, we had a vigorous exchange of opinions which made me gain new perspectives. I was personally overwhelmed by the flexible thinking as well as their high English ability and felt that I should make more efforts to succeed in the future.

I am thinking of working abroad in the future. Therefore, all English class was very attractive to me and felt that I had such a wonderful experience.
