UCL ロンドン大学 Japan Youth Challenge 2024 – 世界のトップ大学を体験!
日本とイギリスの高校生のための世界トップ大学体験 – UCL Japan Youth Challenge 2024
今年も本校生徒が、イギリス・ロンドン大学UCL / ケンブリッジ大学による日本、イギリスの高校生のための世界トップ大学体験プログラム UCL Japan Youth Challenge 2024にチャレンジしました。 7月25日から8月5日までのサマースクールプログラム。日本とイギリスの高校から選抜された学校の生徒達が参加しました。ロンドン大学とケンブリッジ大学という世界のトップ大学の先生方からの授業を直接体験し、大きな刺激を受けました。振り返りを紹介します。
H2 A. O. さん
このロンドン大学 UCL Japan Youth Programは今年で10周年を迎えました。 今年は「宇宙と私たち」をテーマにして、それに関連した様々な講義やディスカッションに参加できました。
This year the UCL Japan youth program marked its 10th anniversary, and we were able to listen to various lectures and discuss relating to this year’s theme, “space and us”. There are two main reasons why I decided to participate in this program. The first reason was because astrophysics was one of my top interests these days and since the theme was “Space and us”, I thought that by participating in this program I would be able to deepen my interests and increase my knowledge in astrophysics. The second reason is that I wanted to develop my English communication skills. Also by seizing this precious opportunity to think and discuss about space and how it affects humans with other students, I wanted to broaden my horizons and be able to think in different perspectives.
Through this program I learned several things, but the biggest thing I learned is about topics that I didn’t know very well. Before I participated in this program I never really knew about educational psychology, neuroscience, robotics, engineering, and design. It was very fascinating learning all the new things that I didn’t quite know, and learning all these things made me think about space from different perspectives.
Another thing that I learned is the significance of communication and teamwork. At the end of the program there was a symposium where we had to set up a mission and present it. By gradually communicating with the people that are in the same group we were able to think about new ideas and opportunities and challenges of our mission. Also, by communicating actively with other participants I got to know more about their backgrounds, experience, and passion and get along with them.
From this wonderful experience I now became more interested and passionate about high energy radiation and recent cancer research that is going on in space. Furthermore, from this experience I now want to go to a university where I could study these topics.
H2 – A.N. さん
私が今回参加したUCL JAPAN YOUTH CHALLENGEは日本と英国から様々な背景を持った高校生達がともに学び、交流し、テーマにそって意見交換をし、深掘りしていくという大学体験プログラムです。そして、このプログラムは今回で10周年を迎えたということでそんな記念すべき年に参加する事が出来たことをとても嬉しく思います。
UCL JAPAN YOUTH CHALLENGE that I participated in is a program where highly motivated students from Japan and the UK, who have various backgrounds, learn from each other through communication and discussions. Also, this year, the program celebrated the 10th anniversary. So, I’m pleased to take part in this program this year.
The reason why I’d like to participate in this program is that I can experience different environments from those in Japan. In addition, I think I will be able to attend lectures at world-class universities, such as Cambridge University and UCL. In addition, this program is applied through school, so I think it was a good fit for me because I had wanted to take part in programs for our school to introduce to me. Through this experience, I learned about the importance of communication. From the above, the main reason I participated in the program was the lectures and other program content. Actually, I learned more from the participants and staff than what I did from the lectures. Everyone has various backgrounds, so by listening to various people’s talks, I learned a lot of interesting information, and it was very stimulating. I also felt the importance of communication from the aspect of life, as I was able to get through these 10 days with the members from the same school and from different schools supporting each other.
Finally, this program was a big challenge for me because I didn’t have any experience studying abroad. Of course, I was so anxious at first and I still feel I don’t have enough English skills for this program. However, I have enhanced my motivation to study English and now I feel even stronger about what I will experience a lot at university in the future. I’m really happy to have joined this program!.
H2 – R.M.さん
2024年度UCL-Japan Youth Challengeに参加した水上莉緒です。 私は幼少期に父の仕事で海外に住んでいたため、今まで留学の必要性を感じていませんでした。しかし、周りの人たちが留学で得た刺激を見て、自分も異国で学ぶことの大切さに気付き、このプログラムに参加しようと決意しました。
今回のプログラムのテーマは”Space and Us”でした。このテーマに沿った講義やディスカッションで学んだことは最後にシンポジウムにてチームで発表します。私たちのチームでは「宇宙を利用して地球上の地球温暖化という課題を解決する」というテーマで発表しました。
また、私はフロンティアプロジェクトチームの女性ジェンダーチームに所属しています。2学期には代々木上原のモスクを訪問する予定なので、このプログラムとは別に、イギリスで一番有名なロンドン中央モスクにも行きました。実際にモスクにいる方々にインタビューもすることもできました。みなさんとても親切な方々で日本にあるモスクについても知ってくれていました。 このプログラムで多くの外国人の方が日本に興味を持ってくれてる姿を見て、将来は日本と海外を繋げるようなお仕事をしたいと思いました。 短い期間の留学でしたが、とても多くのことを学ぶことができました。みなさんもぜひ来年チャレンジしてみてください!
I participated in the 2024 UCL-Japan Youth Challenge. Since I lived abroad when I was young due to my father’s job, I didn’t feel the need to study abroad until now. However, seeing how much others have gained from studying abroad made me realize the importance of learning in a foreign country, and I decided to join this program.
In this program, high school students from Japan and the UK interact through lectures and discussions. I was very happy because many of the students were interested in Japan and learning Japanese.
The theme of this year’s program was “Space and Us.” What we learned through lectures and discussions related to this theme was presented in a final symposium as a team. My team presented on the topic of “Using space to solve the problem of global warming on Earth.”
I am also part of the Female Gender Team in the Frontier Project. Since we plan to visit a mosque in Yoyogi-Uehara in the second semester, I also visited the London Central Mosque, which is the most famous mosque in the UK. I even had the opportunity to interview the people at the mosque. They were all very kind and knew about the mosques in Japan too!
Seeing how many foreigners are interested in Japan through this program made me want to pursue a career that connects Japan and overseas. Although it was a short study abroad experience, I learned a lot. I encourage everyone to participate as well!