From Australia – August 9th
From Australia – August 9th, Thursday. Day 12
All together now!
It’s cloudy sky with 20℃ atmosphere this morning. We can feel warm and a little bit humid. This is the very first day of cloudy since we arrived here on 29th, July. Weather is changing and time goes by. As Olympic Games in London are ending near, the day when we have to say “Good bye” to our friends and families is coming in a few days.
So, today, we made a preparation for Farewell Party on Friday night, with practicing singing songs all together, making speeches and writing some farewell messages to our school buddies. The time to have lunch together and to chat with buddies in St. Andrews is really precious for us like treasure. Enjoy the rest of our time together.
And today is Nagasaki Peace Memorial Day. Long back 67years ago, 9th August, 1945, Atomic Bomb was exploded above the city center of Nagasaki, just above one of the most beautiful and ancient Catholic churches. St. Andrews’ students who take Japanese, French and Italian lanaguage classes are together in praying for peace with Japanese students.
Once again, all together, pray for the world in peace. We are sure our pray has reached NAGASAKI.
Today’s photos:
Cloudy morning, go to classroom with buddy
Mixed class – Italian, French and Japanese languages
Presentation on Italian language
Presentation on Japanese culture
Making Onigiri with Australian students
Chorus practice for farewell party
Yummy lunch!
Curry&Rice for lunch!
Of course, Sandwiches!!